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RSS is cool! Some RSS feed readers are not (yet)...
How to display directory contents sorted by modification time
Antivirus for Linux: is it really needed?
Systemd timers
How to schedule a periodic task with systemd
journalctl cheat sheet
How to check if systemd is being used or active
How to add a SSH key to the SSH agent
systemctl cheat sheet
Hardening nginx with systemd security features
Troubleshooting a failed systemd unit (with examples)
How to see all enabled services with systemctl
Hiding the nginx version number
Nginx hardening profile
SocketBindAllow setting
SocketBindDeny setting
DevicePolicy setting
DeviceAllow setting
RestrictAddressFamilies setting
SystemCallFilter setting
Systemd syscall filtering
Linux capabilities 101
Linux Capabilities: Hardening Linux binaries by removing setuid
ProtectKernelModules setting
ProtectKernelLogs setting
InaccessiblePaths setting
What does systemctl daemon-reload do?
How to check if 'systemctl daemon-reload' is needed
strace cheat sheet
How to see which syscalls are part of a systemd syscall filter set
What is the difference between systemctl disable and systemctl mask?
How to use systemctl edit to change a service?
Run0: introduction and usage
run0 cheat sheet
How to reload the systemd configuration
How to see all active systemd units of one type
How to see only running services with systemctl
How to disable the background color of run0
Distributing SSH keys: using ssh-copy-id, manually or automated
MemoryDenyWriteExecute setting
ProtectProc setting
What is a masked systemd unit?
What is a systemd unit?
What is systemd?
How to see the size of the systemd journal
How to remove trailing whitespace from a file
How to insert a line at the beginning of a file
Ubuntu system hardening guide for desktops and servers
Linux security guide: the extended version
OpenSSH security and hardening
How to show failed units with systemctl
How to see the last X lines with journalctl
How to see the available systemd unit types
How to see the time synchronization details with timedatectl
How to override the settings of a systemd unit
How to start and enable a unit with systemctl
How to disable a systemd unit with systemctl
How to see all masked units with systemctl
How to kill a running process by its name
How to find all process IDs by its process name
How to show a running process name and its process ID (PID)
How to kill a zombie process
How to see new log entries automatically with journalctl
How to see logging for a specific unit or service
How to see only recent journal entries
How to see kernel messages with journalctl
How to limit the disk usage of the systemd journal
How to see the dependencies of a systemd unit
How to show the systemd machine ID
How to see cgroup in ps output
How to see the active settings of a systemd unit
How to see memory usage of a service with systemctl?
How to find the biggest directories on disk
How to see the available hard disks
How to see hard disk specifications and details
How to see BIOS details
How to list all USB devices
How to show all installed packages on Ubuntu
How to see the creation date of a file
How to securely delete a file and its contents
How to see memory information such as type and speed
How to see CPU details
How to compare two directories and find the differences
How to find symbolic links that point to a directory
How to see used and free disk space
How to see inode usage
How to see the size of a directory
How to see hidden files
How to see files great than a specific size
How to find when the last modification happened in a directory
How to find writable files
What is a zombie process?
How to stop all processes of a single user
How to show all installed packages with pacman
How to see the cgroup of a process
How to see the TTL value of a DNS record
How to see open ports on Linux
How to see which process is using a port