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How to see all virtual hosts in nginx

Nginx usually stores one virtual host per configuration file and each one is configured using the server_name entry. One could create a custom shell script to parse these files, but there is a more reliable method.

Using the configuration test option

Normally you could test the nginx configuration using the -t option. The capitalized -T does the same, but also shows the configuration. This can be great for showing any configured virtual host and the related hostname(s).

nginx -T -q | grep server_name

This will show the related entries in the configuration, but not as clean as we always want.

nginx -T -q | grep server_name | awk '{if($1=="server_name"){print}}' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v '^$' | tr -d ';' | grep -v server_name | sort -u

So what this does do?

  • nginx: show the configuration
  • grep: only filter out the configured server_name lines
  • awk: only show lines where there is actual configuration of the server_name
  • tr: replace spaces with line breaks
  • grep: strip out empty lines
  • tr: delete the semi-colon
  • grep: strip out the server_name keyword
  • sort: sort and make output unique

The output then only shows the configured domains:



Relevant commands in this article

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This article has been written by our Linux security expert Michael Boelen. With focus on creating high-quality articles and relevant examples, he wants to improve the field of Linux security. No more web full of copy-pasted blog posts.

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