
To improve websites and the underlying webserver configuration, we collect useful tips to enhance your systems. Let’s build a better web together!

Adding the Expires header to improve caching static content in nginx

Want to improve caching on your nginx web server? Learn how to set the Expires header and enhance your nginx configuration.

Hardening nginx with systemd security features

Secure your nginx service by using security features provided by systemd.

How to log only some requests to a log file in nginx

Nginx is flexible when it comes to what should be logged in the access.log. With the combination of a map and if-statement, this can be achieved very easily!

How to see all virtual hosts in nginx

Want to see all configured virtual hosts on a server running nginx? Here is a method to achieve this quickly by using a default configuration option.

Nginx security hardening guide

Learn how to secure your nginx configuration with this hardening guide. It includes examples and tips to implement security measures step by step.

Pre-compress static assets with Brotli and Gzip

Let's make the web a smaller place by pre-compressing static assets with Brotli and Gzip. Here are some useful tips to get started.

Test web server caching with curl

Want to test your web server and see if static files are properly cached? Curl can help and with some scripting even automate the task for you.