Vulnerabilities are common on all operating systems and related software packages. This section covers how to deal with vulnerabilities on Linux, such as vulnerability management.
Articles for Vulnerabilities
Stay up-to-date with security patching is part of a decent security management process. This article looks into vulnerable packages on OpenSuSE.
Vulnerability scanning focuses on weaknesses, or negative aspects of information security. A new look at an existing issue.
Bash is one of the most used shells on Unix based systems. The discovered shellshock vulnerability affects millions of systems. Learn how to protect.
How to deal with Linux vulnerabilities? This article shares the insights, methods, and tools to help with detection and prevention on Linux systems.
Learn more about vulnerability scanning on Linux systems using the Lynis auditing tool. Check for weaknesses and security measures that can be implemented.
The Poodle vulnerability was discovered in October 2014, putting all systems using SSL 3.0 at risk. Here is what to do to protect against it.
With the right tool, arch-audit in this case, we can find any vulnerable package that is installed on a Arch Linux system. Learn how it works.
What are the differences between technical auditing and vulnerability scanning? While they are close, the focus is definitely different.
When coming across an OpenBSD system, one can not ignore auditing the OpenBSD software packages and its configuration. Learn more what OpenBSD has to offer.
Vulnerability management is an important process to deal with vulnerabilities in software and hardware. At the same time it can become challenging very quickly.
FreeBSD has a powerful package manager tool audit your installed software packages. Run a security scan with pkg audit and keep your system secured.
Why is auditing and vulnerability scanning not the same? In this article we have a look at both, look at the differences, and how they complementary.