Using ClamAV for Linux PCI DSS requirement 5: Malware

An important part in the PCI DSS compliance, is checking for malicious software, or malware. By using anti-virus software like ClamAV, malware threats can be detected, and in most cases prevented. In this article we focus mainly on Linux environments, but of course most of these tips will apply to other platforms like Mac OS.

5.1. Verify presence of software

5.1 For a sample of system components including all operating system types commonly affected by malicious software, verify that anti-virus software is deployed if applicable anti-virus technology exists.

First thing is actually determining if ClamAV is installed on the system. This can be done by querying the related package manager on Linux:

  • dpkg -l clamav
  • rpm -q clamav
  • pacman -Q clamav

5.1.1 Review documentation

5.1.1 Review vendor documentation and examine anti-virus configurations to verify that anti-virus programs;
- Detect all known types of malicious software,
- Remove all known types of malicious software, and
- Protect against all known types of malicious software.

The documentation of ClamAV can be found on its websiteExternal link . It can detect every common form of malware. Depending on the mode the software is used, it can prevent, detect or remove the related files.

ClamAV can be used in several ways:

Daemon mode

Processes can interface with the Clam daemon and request a file descriptor to be tested. The daemon then will return if the file is OK, or a different code (infected, no permissions etc).

Manual scanner

The clamscan utility can be used to manually check files. This is also a great way of running a regular scan on Linux machines, by using clamscan in a cronjob.

5.1.2 Monitoring of malware threats

5.1.2 Interview personnel to verify that evolving malware
threats are monitored and evaluated for systems not currently
considered to be commonly affected by malicious software, in
order to confirm whether such systems continue to not require
anti-virus software.

This is a procedural item to test by interviewing the technical contact persons.

5.2 Management of anti-virus mechanisms

5.2 Ensure that all anti-virus mechanisms are maintained as follows:
- Are kept current,
- Perform periodic scans
- Generate audit logs which are retained per PCI DSS Requirement 10.7.

5.2.a Policies and procedures for anti-virus definitions

5.2.a Examine policies and procedures to verify that anti-virus software and definitions are required to be kept up to date.

This is a non-technical item and should be checked in the documentation of the organization.

5.2.b ClamAV configuration

“5.2.b Examine anti-virus configurations, including the master installation of the software to verify anti-virus mechanisms are:
- Configured to perform automatic updates, and
- Configured to perform periodic scans.

To keep ClamAV up-to-date, the freshclam utility can be used. Additionally monitoring can be set to check that signatures are regularly updated. One option is to use the clamconf utility and determine the date of the signatures.

5.2.c Proper functioning of ClamAV

5.2.c Examine a sample of system components, including all operating system types commonly affected by malicious software, to verify that:
- The anti-virus software and definitions are current.
- Periodic scans are performed.

To ensure this item of the PCI DSS compliance verification is completely done, perform the following steps.


Determine how freshclam is running (freshclam in daemon mode or manual). Additionally check if it is properly logging to /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log. Determine if freshclam encountered any issues, like outdated definitions.

Clamd and clamscan

Check if clamscan is scheduled via a cronjob. Additionally check if clamd is running and available for other software components to use it (e.g. mailbox scanning via MTA).

5.2.d ClamAV logging

5.2.d Examine anti-virus configurations, including the master installation of the software and a sample of system components, to verify that:
- Anti-virus software log generation is enabled, and
- Logs are retained in accordance with PCI DSS Requirement 10.7.

Check the log files in /var/log/clamav and determine if the software is properly running.

The configuration files (/etc/clamav/clamd.conf and /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf) should have a log file defined. Use the clamconf utility to quickly determine if logging is enabled:

# clamconf | grep log
LogFile = "/var/log/clamav/clamd.log"
LogSyslog disabled
DevLiblog disabled
LogSyslog disabled
UpdateLogFile = "/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log"

Example output:

Screenshot of clamconf utility

Clamconf utility shows all settings of clamd, clamscan and freshclam

5.3.a ClamAV configuration and status

5.3.a Examine anti-virus configurations, including the master installation of the software and a sample of system components, to verify the anti-virus software is actively running.

Check the process listing to see if ClamAV is running. If the Clam daemon is used, the clamd process should show up. It is common to see also the freshclam utility showing up, when using it as a daemon.

5.3.b Protection of ClamAV configuration files

5.3.b Examine anti-virus configurations, including the master
installation of the software and a sample of system
components, to verify that the anti-virus software cannot be
disabled or altered by users.

Check the file permissions of the following files:

  • /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
  • /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf

The files should be owned by the root user. Only root should be able to change the configuration file.

5.3.c Procedures regarding ClamAV management

5.3.c Interview responsible personnel and observe processes to
verify that anti-virus software cannot be disabled or altered by
users, unless specifically authorized by management on a
case-by-case basis for a limited time period.

This is a procedural test.

5.4 Documentation regarding malware protection

5.4 ****Examine documentation and interview personnel to verify that security policies and operational procedures for protecting systems against malware are:
- Documented,
- In use, and
- Known to all affected parties.

This is also procedural and needs manual testing, by interviewing.

Common findings

As can be seen, PCI DSS is extensive when it comes to testing anti-virus and malware solutions. Some common findings on Linux systems include the lack of anti-virus, outdated virus definitions, or not properly configured.

Empty database

Use monitoring to determine if signatures are loaded.

Database information  
Database directory: /var/lib/clamav  
Total number of signatures: 0

Signatures outdated

Another common issue is that the signature files are not up-to-date. This can be easily tested by reviewing log files, or feeding them into your SIEM.

Screenshot of ClamAV signatures being outdated

ClamAV signatures outdated

Clamscan not functioning

To check if ClamAV is properly working, download the EICAR test file and run clamscan.

Screenshot of clamscan running EICAR

Testing ClamAV with EICAR test file

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This article has been written by our Linux security expert Michael Boelen. With focus on creating high-quality articles and relevant examples, he wants to improve the field of Linux security. No more web full of copy-pasted blog posts.

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