Last change: 2025-01-28
The command lsusb is a tool for Linux systems to show the available USB devices, including USB hub devices and everything connected to them.
Last change: 2025-01-28
The command lsusb is a tool for Linux systems to show the available USB devices, including USB hub devices and everything connected to them.
Last change: 2025-01-28
The Linux kernel controls hardware access, including for USB. Learn how to monitor USB devices with the usbmon kernel module, together with Wireshark or Tshark.
Last change: 2025-01-28
Retrieve device information from USB hubs and devices on Linux using the lsusb command. Learn how to use the command and its output.
Last change: 2025-01-28
The Linux kernel provides modular support to allow loading kernel modules during runtime. To prevent security issues, learn how to disable or blacklisting.