Upgrading External Packages with unattended-upgrade
The unattended-upgrade tool is a great way to keep your system automatically updated. Learn how it works and how configure it.
The unattended-upgrade tool is a great way to keep your system automatically updated. While you might not always want to do that for all packages, it definitely can be a great way to assist in your security efforts. In that case, tell it to track security updates and install the related packages. If you are using third-party packages (e.g. via PPAs), the system has no idea about security updates for those packages.
How to solve Shellshock on Debian and Ubuntu
Also Debian and Ubuntu are vulnerable for Shellshock vulnerability in Bash. That's why it is important to run apt update and perform an upgrade of Bash.
Protect against Shellshock Shellshock is a serious software weakness, or vulnerability, in Bash. This shell is used on almost all Unix based systems, including Debian and Ubuntu. As it can be used without much effort and remotely exploit systems, it has a maximum vulnerability score according to CVSS. Upgrade Bash First update the software repository with apt-get, using the update parameter. apt-get update && apt-get install -only-upgrade bash Your system should now have a newer version of bash.
How to update Lynis
Tips and suggestions to keep Lynis up-to-date. With every software tool receiving improvements and bug fixes, it's important to update Lynis as well.
With every software tool receiving improvements and bug fixes, it’s important to update Lynis as well. In this article we have a look at how to easily upgrade Lynis. Options Two common options to keep software up-to-date is by using a package, or the usage of a custom archive. Installing Lynis is optional, running it from remote (or local) storage is a valid option. Lynis Packages On the CISOfy software repository you can find a Lynis package.