
Tuning auditd: high-performance Linux Auditing

To achieve better performance with a auditd configuration, it needs to be tuned. See performance boosters like events exclusion, rule ordering, and more.


The Linux Audit framework is a powerful tool to audit system events. From running executables up to system calls, everything can be logged. However, all this audit logging comes at the price of decreased system performance. Let’s have a look at how we can optimize our audit rules. Performance tips Good auditd performance will reduce stress on the Linux kernel and lower its impact. Before changing anything to your system, we suggest benchmarking your system performance before and after.

Optimize SSL/TLS for Maximum Security and Speed

Everyone loves secure websites, as long as they are quick. Let's configure our website for maximum security and performance, at the same time.


Recently we changed our corporate website into a “HTTPS only” version. Most of the content is not secret information, still we have some sensitive areas. The ordering section and downloads, and additional our portal. While some areas were already covered with a lock, we felt it was time to make the jump to cover it all. Additionally, we believe that we doing everything we can on our website, practicing security hardening ourselves.