

Tips and tricks for getting everything out of the Linux command-line or terminal.


The command-line or terminal is a great place to be productive! We collect one-liners that we used ourselves to solve an issue and are worth sharing. From daily commands up to more exotic one-time tasks, this is the place where they are stored. When we have enough to group them, the page will be split into multiple categories.

Which Linux process is using a particular network port?

Seeing the 'address in use' error or need to find out which process is listening to a particular port on Linux? Here are the tools to find out!


Most network related services have to open up a network socket, so they can start listening for incoming network requests. It is common to find the TCP or UDP being used as the main communication protocol. In this article, we will check what ports are used by which Linux process. Auditing processes and network services Find out what process is listening to a port Only one process can actively listen to a TCP or UDP port.

Budgeting for Techies: How to Get Money for a New Security Tool

Tired of the 'sorry, no budget' each time you want the company to buy a new software tool? Here are some tips to get that budget.


How to Get Money for a New Security Tool We all know the common answer when asking for a new software tool: “sorry, no budget”. But why is that? Often because we, as technical oriented people, simply don’t know how budgeting works. Not surprising, as no one taught us. The downside is that it limits us seriously, to obtain the right tools for the job. Time to combine tech, money, and skills, to get finally that new tool you wanted!

Viewing available test categories in Lynis

Lynis has all tests categorized and lets the user select which tests to run. Using the --tests-category and --view-categories the selection can be made.


When auditing a server, it may be useful to only run a particular category of tests, like firewall related tests. In that case the -tests-category parameter can be used, together with the category name. Available categories To determine what categories are available, Lynis has a built-in parameter -view-categories which lists all available files. Most of the names are self-explanatory on what of tests they include. For more information about the included tests, have a look in the .