
How to schedule a periodic task with systemd

Schedule a repeating task via systemd by using a timer. Learn how to configure and use it.


Systemd uses different types of units. One of them is the timer unit, which can be used to schedule a periodic task. This timer unit is linked to an existing service unit and will activate the service according to the defined schedule. The timer unit can be defined using the information about systemd timers.

Timers use one or more OnCalendar definitions to specify when execution of the timer should happen. As systemd timers are very versatile and provide good monitoring options, they are a good replacement of cronjobs. The only downside is that slightly more configuration is needed when a just a single shell script needs to be executed, as you need to create both the timer as service unit.


The command systemd-analyze helps analyzing systemd components to optimize the system including performance and security.


How to check if systemd is being used or active

Learn how to quickly confirm that systemd is being used as your system and service manager.


Systemd is nowadays a common system and service manager for Linux systems. But how do you know for sure that it is being active? The easiest way is to have a look at PID number 1. This is the first process started after the kernel itself. With the help of ps we can determine the underlying command behind this initial process.

ps -p 1 -o comm=

This command defines what columns should be part of the output, where only shows the actual command. Adding the ‘=’ removes the header, so if systemd is being used, then the string ‘systemd’ will be returned.

How to see all enabled services with systemctl

The systemctl command can be used to show all service units and filter those that are enabled.


The systemctl command show active unit. To see only services that are enabled, we need to filter the output. This can be achieved using the list-unit-files subcommand and combined with the --state= option. As we are interested in enabled services only, set the value to enabled.

Want to parse the output with a script? Consider adding --legend=false to remove the header and footer text (X unit files listed.).


systemctl list-unit-files --type=service --state=enabled
UNIT FILE                              STATE   VENDOR PRESET
apparmor.service                       enabled enabled      
blk-availability.service               enabled enabled      
cloud-config.service                   enabled enabled      
cloud-final.service                    enabled enabled      
cloud-init-local.service               enabled enabled      
cloud-init.service                     enabled enabled      
console-setup.service                  enabled enabled      
cron.service                           enabled enabled      
dmesg.service                          enabled enabled      
e2scrub_reap.service                   enabled enabled      
finalrd.service                        enabled enabled      
getty@.service                         enabled enabled      
gpu-manager.service                    enabled enabled      
grub-common.service                    enabled enabled      
grub-initrd-fallback.service           enabled enabled      
irqbalance.service                     enabled enabled      
keyboard-setup.service                 enabled enabled      
lvm2-monitor.service                   enabled enabled      
lxd-agent.service                      enabled enabled      
ModemManager.service                   enabled enabled      
multipathd.service                     enabled enabled      
networkd-dispatcher.service            enabled enabled      
nginx.service                          enabled enabled      
open-iscsi.service                     enabled enabled      
open-vm-tools.service                  enabled enabled      
pollinate.service                      enabled enabled      
rsyslog.service                        enabled enabled      
secureboot-db.service                  enabled enabled      
setvtrgb.service                       enabled enabled      
snap.lxd.activate.service              enabled enabled      
snapd.apparmor.service                 enabled enabled      
snapd.autoimport.service               enabled enabled      
snapd.core-fixup.service               enabled enabled      
snapd.recovery-chooser-trigger.service enabled enabled      
snapd.seeded.service                   enabled enabled      
snapd.service                          enabled enabled      
snapd.system-shutdown.service          enabled enabled      
ssh.service                            enabled enabled      
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service   enabled disabled     
systemd-networkd.service               enabled enabled      
systemd-pstore.service                 enabled enabled      
systemd-resolved.service               enabled enabled      
systemd-timesyncd.service              enabled enabled      
thermald.service                       enabled enabled      
ua-reboot-cmds.service                 enabled enabled      
ubuntu-advantage.service               enabled enabled      
udisks2.service                        enabled enabled      
ufw.service                            enabled enabled      
unattended-upgrades.service            enabled enabled      
vgauth.service                         enabled enabled      

50 unit files listed.

Nginx hardening profile

Harden the nginx configuration with the help of systemd sandboxing capabilities and restricting resources.



This is a hardening profile to help securing nginx by using systemd unit configuration. It’s goal is to restrict what nginx can do and make it harder for any possible vulnerability to be misused.

The rationale for the selected settings is based on the analysis as part of the article Hardening nginx with systemd security features.

Hardening profiles for systemd

Hardening profiles for systemd that can be used to secure your applications.



Systemd has a range of security features to help securing services running on your system. That is the good part. The big challenge with so many features is that it is hard to find out which ones you could or should apply, without breaking a service. That is why we started working on hardening profiles.

The hardening profiles are pre-defined templates that are documented and tested against a default installation of a piece of software. System administrators then can use this as the foundation of their service and tune it slightly to their specific configuration.

SocketBindAllow setting

Allow systemd units to use system call bind() on sockets specified with the unit setting SocketBindAllow.


Why and when to use SocketBindAllow

The setting SocketBindAllow is used together with SocketBindDeny and defines restrictions on the usage of the system call bind on a network socket.


Both SocketBindAllow and SocketBindDeny use a bind-rule. See SocketBindDeny for the details.

Generic advice

This setting is useful in combination with SocketBindDeny to create an allow-list.


Allow binding on TCP port 80

SocketBindDeny setting

Restrict systemd units to use system call bind() on sockets specified with the unit setting SocketBindDeny.


Why and when to use SocketBindDeny

The setting SocketBindDeny can be used alone or together with SocketBindAllow to set restrictions on the usage of the system call bind on a network socket.


If the SocketBindDeny list is used alone, then it is a deny-list. Everything except the defined ports/protocols will be allowed.

By defining the value ‘any’, all combinations are denied. This is typically used in combination with SocketBindAllow to open up one or more ports.

DevicePolicy setting

Restrict systemd units to access devices in the /dev directory with the unit setting DevicePolicy.


Why and when to use DevicePolicy

The setting DevicePolicy aims to reduce access to devices in /dev. By default, there is no limitation to access devices.


The value strict is the most strict, as the name implies. This is suitable for services that do not need any access, like custom shell scripts. Unless output is being redirect to /dev/null, then access could be granted with DeviceAllow=/dev/null.

Generic advice

Aim for using ‘strict’ when possible and define entries that should be allowed. To discover files used by a binary, consider inspecting it with the strings command or look at open files from a running process with lsof.

DeviceAllow setting

Restrict systemd units to access devices in the /dev directory with the unit setting DeviceAllow.


Why and when to use DeviceAllow

The setting DeviceAllow aims to reduce access or its level to devices in /dev. By default, there is no limitation to access devices.


Define DeviceAllow with the path and access level.

DeviceAllow=/dev/sda3 r

General advice

For most services it might be easier to use ProtectDevices=yes to reduce the devices that can be access.

Troubleshooting a failed systemd unit (with examples)

Learn how to troubleshoot failed systemd units, examples, possible causes, and how to resolve them.


Discover the reasons why a systemd unit went into a failed state

What does systemctl daemon-reload do?

When making changes to systemd unit files, you may need to use systemctl daemon-reload. This article explains what happens next.


Systemd stores the configuration for units, like services, in individual unit files. When changes are made to these units, a reload might be needed. This is where systemctl daemon-reload comes into play. But what exactly does the daemon-reload subcommand really do? In short: rerun generators, reload units files, recreate the dependency tree. Let’s have a look at the more detailed answer.

Running generators

Generators are helper scripts to convert non-native scripts to unit files that are usuable by systemd. These generators are used during the boot, but also when the daemon configuration is reloaded. In multiple phases all generators are started in parrallel, with the goal to minize the time tasks are waiting for each other to finish.

How to check if 'systemctl daemon-reload' is needed

When systemd units are changed, a 'systemctl daemon-reload' might be needed. Need to know if this is the case? Let's test for that.


Systemd may need to reload a part of the unit configuration if changes were made. To find out if the related systemctl daemon-reload command is needed, the state of the individual units can be tested. This is done by querying the property using the --property=NeedDaemonReload option.

Testing a single service like nginx, can be done this way:

# systemctl show --property=NeedDaemonReload --value nginx.service

This output will return a ‘yes’ or ’no’ value.

How to see which syscalls are part of a systemd syscall filter set

Learn how to see what syscalls are part of a particular syscall filter set in systemd.


Systemd can restrict services from using particular syscalls with the help of the unit setting SystemCallFilter. Instead of mentioning all individual syscalls, systemd has predefined sets that can be used. These sets group functions that are related. To see which syscalls are part of a set, use the systemd-analyze command.

# systemd-analyze syscall-filter @ipc
    # SysV IPC, POSIX Message Queues or other IPC

See systemd syscall filtering for all details.

SystemCallFilter setting

Define if systemd units are allowed to use specific syscalls or groups with the unit setting SystemCallFilter.


Why and when to use SystemCallFilter

The setting SystemCallFilter aims to prevent misuse of syscalls that are not needed for normal functioning of a process. This powerful filtering restricts the abilities of a process, but requires understanding of processes by the system administrator. See the overview of Linux syscalls for more details.


This setting takes a space-separated list and may be specified multiple times.

Systemd syscall filtering

Learn more about the system calls (syscalls) that systemd may use in commands and unit files, such as with SystemCallFilter property.


Overview of syscalls in systemd by group

What is the difference between systemctl disable and systemctl mask?

Want to disable a service, but wondering the difference between systemctl disable and systemctl mask? This article shows the differences between the two.


Systemd and its services can be in several states, such as enabled, disabled, failed, running. If you no longer need a particular service to run, then the first step is to stop a service.

systemctl stop nginx.service

But stopping a service is not the same as disabling a service. With that comes a very frequently asked question: what is the difference between a service that is disabled and one that is masked?

How to use systemctl edit to change a service?

Learn how to edit an existing systemd service unit with the systemctl edit command.


Systemd allows service units to be configured using a drop-in file, which is often called override.conf. It overrides the vendor-supplied version of a service to customize it. Instead of duplicating the configuration, the override file contains the differences.

Editing service file

Changing a service can be done using systemctl, followed by the edit subcommand and service unit. The editor that is configured on the system will be opened and any changes can be made between the comment section at the top and the comment section a little bit lower. Do not remove these comment sections, as systemctl uses these to see what changes you made.

How to see only running services with systemctl

The systemctl command can be used to filter its output and only show all running services.


The systemctl command will normally all active units. To filter this output to just the running services, we can combine the options --type= and --state=. For this particular case we set the type to service and the type state to running.


# systemctl --type=service --state=running --legend=false
  accounts-daemon.service   loaded active running Accounts Service
  avahi-daemon.service      loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
  colord.service            loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles
  dbus-broker.service       loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
  firewalld.service         loaded active running firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
  gdm.service               loaded active running GNOME Display Manager
  NetworkManager.service    loaded active running Network Manager
  polkit.service            loaded active running Authorization Manager
  qemu-guest-agent.service  loaded active running QEMU Guest Agent
  rtkit-daemon.service      loaded active running RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service
  spice-vdagentd.service    loaded active running Agent daemon for Spice guests
  sshd.service              loaded active running OpenSSH Daemon
  systemd-journald.service  loaded active running Journal Service
  systemd-logind.service    loaded active running User Login Management
  systemd-timesyncd.service loaded active running Network Time Synchronization
  systemd-udevd.service     loaded active running Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files
  systemd-userdbd.service   loaded active running User Database Manager
  udisks2.service           loaded active running Disk Manager
  upower.service            loaded active running Daemon for power management
  user@1000.service         loaded active running User Manager for UID 1000
  wpa_supplicant.service    loaded active running WPA supplicant

This command will show just services that are running. The legend is set to false, meaning no header and footer are displayed.

Run0 cheat sheet

Learn how to get everything out of the run0 tool to increase your privilege level.


Elevating permissions

Run0: introduction and usage

Learn the goal and purpose of run0 and how to use it for elevating privileges.


Elevating permissions

How to disable the background color of run0

Learn how to disable the change of the background color when using run0.


Systemd introduced run0 as its alternative to sudo. One of the features if a colored background when your privileges are elevated.

To disable this behaviour, use the option --background= with an empty value.

run0 --background=

The red background now will be gone, which can be useful if the color conflicts with the output or when it is unwanted.

MemoryDenyWriteExecute setting

Block the ability for systemd units to create or alter memory segments to become writable and executable as well with the unit setting MemoryDenyWriteExecute.


Why and when to use MemoryDenyWriteExecute

The setting MemoryDenyWriteExecute will block the creation or alteration of a memory segment to become writable and executable as well. By enabling this limitation, it will increase the bar software exploits to change running code dynamically.




To prevent circumvention of this setting, access to /dev/shm and the syscall memfd_create should be blocked as well.

Generic advice

For most common services this option can be implemented and will increase the security of a service. That is, if used together with InaccessiblePaths and SystemCallFilter.

InaccessiblePaths setting

Block systemd units to access specified paths with the unit setting InaccessiblePaths.


Why and when to use InaccessiblePaths

The setting InaccessiblePaths defines paths that should never be accessible. Instead of using the principles of an allow list, it is an explicit deny list. It can be used to block access by a process to a location with sensitive data or a path commonly misused for exploits.

How to see memory usage of a service with systemctl?

The systemctl command can be used to show the memory usage of a service managed by systemd.


The systemctl command has multiple options to show the memory usage. With the status subcommand followed by the service, it will show the basics, including memory usage.

To retrieve the information that easier to parse, then use show followed by --property=MemoryCurrent and the service name.


The status output will include memory usage.

systemctl status nginx
● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service.d
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-06-17 17:59:45 UTC; 3h 54min ago
       Docs: man:nginx(8)
   Main PID: 36971 (nginx)
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 1012)
     Memory: 2.6M
        CPU: 26ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service
             ├─36971 "nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;"
             └─36972 "nginx: worker process" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

For pulling in the information that can be parsed or scripted, consider retrieving the actual property from a running service.

How to see the active settings of a systemd unit

The systemctl command can be used to show the settings of a systemd unit, like a service.


The systemctl command can be used to show all settings of an unit, such as a service. To display the full list of applicable settings, use the show subcommand followed by the unit name.

Besides the settings, the output will also include actual runtime information, such as memory usage, when the unit was started, etc.


Just provide the unit file to see all available information.

# systemctl show nginx.service
TimeoutStartUSec=1min 30s

How to override the settings of a systemd unit

The systemctl command can be used to override settings of a systemd unit, like a service.


The systemctl command can show settings of a systemd unit, such as a service. It can also assist in overriding these settings by using the edit subcommand followed by the unit name. This will open the editor that is configured on the system and create the override file.


Run the edit command with the unit, and the editor like vim or nano will show up.

### Editing /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service.d/override.conf
### Anything between here and the comment below will become the new contents of the file

ReadWritePaths=/run /var/log/nginx

### Lines below this comment will be discarded

Important: Do not remove the comments and only insert or change between the specified comment lines.

ReadWritePaths setting

Grant systemd units to specified paths to read from and write to new or existing files with the unit setting ReadWritePaths.


Why and when to use ReadWritePaths

The setting ReadWritePaths grants read and write permissions to defined paths. It can be used in combination with other settings like ‘ProtectSystem=strict’ to make the full file system read-only, and then open up a few paths that are required for a service to run correctly.


Define the paths that are granted write access.

ReadWritePaths=/run /var/log/nginx
  • When a path is prefixed with a minus (-), it is ignored if it does not exist
  • When a path is prefixed with a plus (+), the path is considered relative to root of directory (e.g. configured with RootDirectory)


This setting will not have effect if a process is missing the normal file permissions or ownership. For additional sandboxing, consider CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_SYS_ADMIN or SystemCallFilter=@mount.

Hardening nginx with systemd security features

Secure your nginx service by using security features provided by systemd.



Nginx is still a popular web server and powering a part of the web. Wouldn’t it be great if we could secure it a little bit more? In this article we use the security features to secure systemd units and services and apply it to nginx.

If you are not familiar yet with the unit settings of systemd, then this document would be a good introduction into the subject.

File paths

Like most services, nginx uses files to read and write. Typically web site content is read from the disk, while log files are created and written to. We can use the systemd unit settings to restrict access to only those paths that are strictly required for nginx to run. But how to find out what those paths are?

Systemd features to secure units and services

Learn more about systemd features that help in securing units and services.


Secure services with these features

ProcSubset setting

Restrict systemd units to access information from the /proc directory with the unit setting ProcSubset.


Why and when to use ProcSubset

The setting ProcSubset controls the “subset” mount option of /proc for the unit.


This function does not if the “subnet” option for procfs is not supported.

Generic advice

The Linux kernel shares information from various kernel APIs via /proc. When activating this setting, these kernel APIs are also made unavailable, which might break common software, unless it is a trivial process. So this option is to be used with care. Typically it may be better to implement the ProtectProc setting.

RestrictAddressFamilies setting

Restrict systemd units using only specified socket address families with the unit setting RestrictAddressFamilies.


Why and when to use RestrictAddressFamilies

The setting RestrictAddressFamilies aims to restrict what socket address families can be used. When using it, the default is that it is used as an allow-list and define what address families can be used.


When this setting is not configured, there are no restrictions to what address families can be used.

Setting the value to none will block all address families.

To block specific address families only, a ~ can be used to turn the allow-list into a deny-list.

ProtectProc setting

Restrict systemd units to access information from the /proc directory with the unit setting ProtectProc.


Why and when to use ProtectProc

The setting ProtectProc aims to protect information that normally can be retrieved from /proc.


The value default, which is also the default, will not restrict access. Value invisible will hide information, where ptraceable restrict the set to only processes that be monitored with the system call ptrace(). The value noaccess is the most strict option.


This setting will not have effect if the kernel does not support the hidepid mount option per individual mount point.

ProtectHome setting

Restrict systemd units to access data in home directories with the unit setting ProtectHome.


Why and when to use ProtectHome

The setting ProtectHome aims to protect home directories. These three paths are included:

  • /home
  • /root
  • /run/user


The default no will not restrict access to the home directories. Using yes will active full protection, not allowing access.

The value read-only will make the paths read-only, so no data can be written to it.

With tmpfs a temporary file system is being used, also read-only, yet it hides the actual home directories. It will still allow access to the actual directories when using BindPaths or BindReadOnlyPaths. For rare situations this might be useful to protect the home directories, while still allowing some very specific access.

ProtectKernelLogs setting

Restrict systemd units to read or write to the kernel log ring buffer with the unit setting ProtectKernelLogs.



The Linux kernel exposes its kernel log ring buffer to userspace via /dev/kmsg and /proc/kmsg.

When this setting is defined as yes, the capability CAP_SYS_MODULE will be removed from the capability bounding set. This means that all processes in the unit will no longer have access to the kernel log ring buffer.

ProtectKernelModules setting

Restrict systemd units to load kernel modules with the ProtectKernelModules unit setting.



Kernel modules can provide additional functionality when using a modular Linux kernel, which is applicable to most systems. When this setting is set to yes, it tries to prevent the unit from loading kernel modules. This is achieved by removing the CAP_SYS_MODULE from the capability bounding set.

Generic advice

Most units do not need the permission to load kernel modules, so typically a unit can be configured with ProtectKernelModules=true.

How to see the time synchronization details with timedatectl

Show time synchronization details with the systemd timedatectl command and related subcommands.


The timedatectl command can show the time, time zone information, and its status. Add the timesync-status subcommand to see synchronization details.


Use timedatectl with the timesync-status command to see the actual status. Under normal conditions, the leap should show ’normal'.

# timedatectl timesync-status
       Server: (
Poll interval: 34min 8s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)
         Leap: normal
      Version: 4
      Stratum: 2
    Reference: 4FF33C32
    Precision: 1us (-25)
Root distance: 762us (max: 5s)
       Offset: +882us
        Delay: 15.169ms
       Jitter: 7.098ms
 Packet count: 711
    Frequency: +2.731ppm

How to show the systemd machine ID

Find the machine ID that was generated by systemd.


With the hostnamectl command basic system information like the operating system, hostname, and machine ID can be displayed.


Run the command without any parameters to get the status displayed, including the machine ID.


How to see the dependencies of a systemd unit

The systemctl command has the list-dependencies option to show dependencies between units. But there are more options to query a little bit more information.


The systemctl command can be used to show dependencies between units with the list-dependencies subcommand. A nicely human-readable output will be displayed showing the selected unit, followed by the dependencies that rely on this unit. This is useful when a unit is in a failed state due to a dependency on another unit.


To see which units require the multi-user target to be active:

# systemctl list-dependencies
● ├─apport.service
● ├─console-setup.service
● ├─cron.service
● ├─dbus.service
○ ├─dmesg.service
○ ├─e2scrub_reap.service
○ ├─grub-common.service
○ ├─grub-initrd-fallback.service
○ ├─irqbalance.service

Want to move up the other way and see on which our unit requires? Add the --reverse option.

How to see the available systemd unit types

The systemctl command can be used to show all available systemd unit types.


The systemctl command can show the available systemd unit types when using the option --type=help.


# systemctl --type=help
Available unit types:

How to see all active systemd units of one type

The systemctl command can be used to show all active systemd units of one particular type with the --type option.


The systemctl command will show by default all active units. To filter down on a particular unit type, use the --type= option, followed by the type. Not sure what types are available? Run systemctl --type=help.


systemctl list-units --type=target

How to limit the disk usage of the systemd journal

Learn how to define the maximum size that the systemd journal daemon may use for storing journals.


To limit the maximum size that journals may use on the system, define the setting SystemMaxUse in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Save the file, confirm that the settings are correct, then restart the journal daemon.


Open /etc/systemd/journald.conf, copy the commented line, remove the hash, and assign it a value.


Note: depending on how many events happen on a system, this value might be too small. Make sure that the size for logs is big enough.

How to see the size of the systemd journal


The journalctl command can be used to show the journal. By using the --disk-usage option, the size of the journal is displayed. This includes the archived and active journal files. When the journal is using too much disk space, consider performing a vacuum task.


Showing the disk usage is quick and easy.

# journalctl --disk-usage
Archived and active journals take up 56.0M in the file system.

Does the journal take up too much space?

How to see kernel messages with journalctl

Learn how to show all kernel events by using journalctl and filter out the kernel entries in the journal.


The journalctl command can show all events related to the kernel itself usig the --dmesg option. This option will filter out kernel messages and has a similar output as the dmesg command.


Use the full or shorter option to query the kernel messages.

journalctl -k

Looking for only the kernel messages of today? Combine it with the --since= option.

journalctl -k -S "today"

What is a systemd unit?

Learn more about systemd units and what they do.


Systemd units define resources that can be used by the system. Examples of these units are a service, path, socket, and timer. Each unit type has its own basic set of properties that then individually can be configured. Unit types can be recognized by their file extension. A service will use the ‘.service’ extension, making it easy to recognize. Units are usually managed with the systemctl command.

See systemd unit types and their purpose for a full overview of the units.

How to see only recent journal entries

Learn how to filter journal entries by specifying a date or time interval.


The journalctl command shows by default the oldest entries it has in the journal. Typically we are not interested in that, for that purpose there is the --since= option. This option defines that entries should be after the specified moment in time. Besides using an actual date, a shortened name like ’today’ can also be used that automatically defines the date and time.


To see the entries of today, use the aptly named ’today'.

How to see new log entries automatically with journalctl

Learn how to continuously show new log entries with journalctl like the tail -f command.


The journalctl command can show continuously new log entries with the --follow option. When new entries are added to the journal, they are automatically shown.


The follow option is a great option to continuously monitor a particular unit.

journalctl --follow --unit=nginx.service

Without providing a unit, all system events will be shown and followed.

How to see logging for a specific unit or service

Limit the number of log entries from the systemd journal by filtering journalctl output by unit.


The journalctl command can show the events from its journal by --unit= followed by the service or its unit name. This way events will be filtered, making it much easier to troubleshoot a particular service.


journalctl -u nginx.service

How to reload the systemd configuration

How can systemd be instructed to reload its configuration?


Reload systemd

What is systemd?

Learn what systemd is and the main components of this system and service manager.


Systemd is a system and service manager. The name is short for ‘system daemon’, an ongoing service that manages the system. As it is also a service manager, it is responsible for start, stopping, and monitoring services. Systemd replaces the SysV init system and focuses on performance and resource management. It was created by Lennart Poettering in 2010, with Fedora Linux being the first to adopt it in May 2011. In 2015, several major Linux distributions started shipping with systemd.

What is a masked systemd unit?

What does it mean when a systemd unit is masked? Learn about this state.


Systemd units that are in a masked state are administratively disabled. While being in this state, they can not be started until they are unmasked. Typically a unit is masked when it should not start by default or manually, to prevent it causing issues or running an unwanted service. With systemctl and the subcommand mask, a systemd unit can be masked.

Relevant FAQ: How to see all masked units with systemctl?

Systemd commands

All commands related to systemd in one overview. Learn about their purpose and when to use them.


Systemd has a range of commands to interact with the systemd services and functions. Typically daemons will have a ’d’ in their name, such as systemd-networkd, while client tools end with ‘ctl’ (systemctl). Here is an overview of the available commands and their purpose.

Primary commands


Events are stored in a journal, similar to what syslog does. The biggest exception is the way log information is stored and how it is queried. As data is stored in a binary format, the journalctl command can filter out relevant information.

Systemd timers

Learn about systemd timers, the unit type for scheduled tasks and how it differs from cron.


Learn about the available systemd unit types

Show to clear the DNS cache with systemd

Learn how to inspect and clear the DNS cache when using the systemd resolver daemon.


Clear DNS cache using resolvectl


The command resolvectl provides details about systemd-resolved, the name resolution daemon.


Settings for systemd units

Units in systemd have their own set of configuration settings. This overview shows the availability and their purpose.


Systemd allows fine-grained customization of units by defining so-called properties. These properties or settings influence what a unit, such as a service, can or can not do. As their is a wide range of settings, this page has the goal to present them, including a quick reference to each of them.


Everything related to systemd in one place. From the basics like the different units tips, up to advanced troubleshooting.



Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux. For many Linux distributions it replaced the existing SysV init system, modernizing how services are started and monitored.

Some basics about systemd:

  • Author: Lennart Poettering
  • First release: 2010
  • First adopter: Fedora Linux
  • Common usage by major Linux distributions: 2015

Learn more: What is systemd?

Systemd units

To monitor and manage services on a system using systemd, unit files are used. These text-based files define what to run or do, relevant conditions, and any applicable dependencies.

Systemd settings

Units in systemd have their own set of configuration settings. This overview shows the availability and their purpose.


How to see all masked units with systemctl

Want to find all masked unit files? In this article we show how to do this with systemctl and query those units.


Show all masked units

How to see the last X lines with journalctl

Limit the output from journalctl by defining the number of lines you want to see.


Perform smarter queries when requesting information from journalctl

How to disable a systemd unit with systemctl

Want to disable a service or specific systemd unit? Use systemctl to configure units and disable it on boot or completely.


Disable a service or specific unit with systemctl

How to start and enable a unit with systemctl

Combine the start and enable command when using systemctl to get a unit like a service started at boot and right away.


Start and enable a unit with one command

How to show failed units with systemctl

Want to check the system for failed systemd units? In this article we show how to do this with systemctl and query the units with a failure state.


Show failed systemd units with systemctl

Systemd: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about systemd, systemctl, and journalctl. Learn by pratical examples how to use these tools.


Systemd cheat sheet

Increase your system administration skills with this systemd cheat sheet, including how to configure and monitor systemd units.


Make a new friend?

Systemd units and their purpose

Which systemd unit types are available and what is their goal? In this article we cover them and show some useful commands related to these units.


Learn about the available systemd unit types

Systemctl cheat sheet

Learn how to get every piece of information from systemd units, such as services and timers, including its configuration and status.


Control those processes and timers

Journalctl cheat sheet

Learn how to get every piece of information from systemd journals with the journalctl command. This cheat sheet will help you with the task.


Query the journal and find the needle

Finding boot logs in systemd journals

This article shows how to find boot logs in the systemd journal. Learn the commands to query all relevant information.


Systemd used a binary log to store information about specific events. These events include the boot sequence and the related output. In this article we have a look at finding our boot logs in systemd journals.

Binary logging

When using systemd, boot data is stored in journals, a binary format. There is big benefit of saving boot data in a binary format: log information of each boot can be stored separately, linked to other pieces of information, and queried easier and quicker. For example, different boots can be compared, as they are individually available.

Auditing systemd: solving failed units with systemctl

Sometimes systemd units like services and timers may fail. Learn how to troubleshoot such issues and resolve them much easier.


Solving failed units with systemctl

Systemd is an alternative service manager to the more traditional init system. To ensure the system is healthy, failed units should be investigated on a regular basis. Sooner or later a unit might fail and showing up the systemctl listing. In this article we have a look at how to solve it.

Why do services fail?

During the start of the system, enabled services are started and queued to be executed. Most processes will start correctly and systemd logs the related status in the journal. However, in some cases a service might enter a “failed state”, as a result of another command not finishing properly.