System Hardening

Major release: Lynis 3.x

Learn about the most important changes that form the major 3.x release of the Lynis project, including security enhancements and new tests.


After almost a year of work, we are excited to share news about the major 3.x release! It is major for multiple reasons, including the number of submissions from the community and some breaking changes. Some core functions have been rewritten and several new functions were added.

Another important area for this release is security. Being a security tool, we want Lynis to be as safe as possible, even though shell script is not specifically known for that. So this subject received additional focus on that as well.

How to secure a Linux system

Looking to secure your Linux system? This security guide shows you how to perform system hardening and run technical audits to keep it in optimal condition.


Every Linux system will benefit from more security, especially if it contains sensitive data. With so many resources available on the internet, one might think that securing Linux has become easy. We know it is not.

Linux system hardening takes a good amount of understanding about how the Linux kernel works. It also requires a good understanding of the operating system principles. In this guide, we will help you to get this understanding and provide you with tips and tools. The final result should be a secure Linux server or desktop system.

Ubuntu system hardening guide for desktops and servers

Step by step guide to secure any Ubuntu desktop or server. Harden your Ubuntu during installation and afterwards with the available security tips.


The system hardening process of a system is critical during and after installation. It helps the system to perform its duties properly. This blog post shows you several tips for Ubuntu system hardening. It will dive into the most critical steps to take first. Then more specific hardening steps can be added on top of these. As most security guides only tell you what to do, we will also go into more detail on why a specific security measure is important. This way you can make educated decisions on what steps you want to do, or the ones to skip. After all, each system is different.

Linux security guide: the extended version

Feeling overwhelmed with the options available to secure your Linux system? With this guide, we walk step-by-step through the option, tools, and resources.


Feeling overwhelmed with the resources available to secure your Linux system? This security guide will provide you the points where to start.

With this Linux security guide, we walk step-by-step through the options, tools, and resources. After reading this article, you will be able to make educated decisions about what Linux security defenses to implement for your systems.

You will be introduced to the right tools that help you automate and test your improvements.

Linux system hardening: adding hidepid to /proc mount point

The pseudo-filesystem /proc contains a lot of useful information for the system administrator. With the hidepid option we can restrict what users can see.


When looking in /proc you will discover a lot of files and directories. Many of them are just numbers, which represent the information about a particular process ID (PID). By default, Linux systems are deployed to allow all local users to see this all information. This includes process information from other users. This could include sensitive details that you may not want to share with other users. By applying some file system configuration tweaks, we can change this behavior and improve the security of the system.

How much system hardening should you do?

System hardening is the process of improving security defenses of desktop and servers. It is usually time-consuming, so let's decide when enough is enough.


When it comes to Linux system hardening there is a lot to do. From the almost book-like CIS benchmarks to following best practices found all over the web. Recently someone new to the field of information security asked me a simple, yet important questions: how much system hardening should you be doing? When is it enough? Since there was no easy answer, I have written down my thoughts to help others in the future.

Linux hardening with sysctl settings

The Linux kernel can be secured as well. Learn how system hardening principles can be applied using sysctl settings.


The GNU/Linux kernel powers a lot of systems, from big mainframes to the Android device in your pocket. If you want to achieve more security on your Linux systems, it would make sense to start hardening there, right? While securing the kernel looks easy at first sight, there is more to it than initially meets the eye. We will have a look at some kernel options and how to select the best sysctl values for Linux systems.

Linux Security Guide for Hardening IPv6

Extensive guide to help you secure your IPv6 configuration on Linux. From initial set-up to hardening the kernel with sysctl.


Version 6 of Internet Protocol is now 20+ years available. You would think it is widely available now, right? Not exactly. Still many internet providers don’t have it deployed for their customers. Hosting companies are not always eager to deploy it either. Mostly because of lacking knowledge. To get at east more knowledge shared on the security side of IPv6, we have crafted this guide. Hopefully it will be a practical guide for your to configure and tune your configurations.

Tiger is History, Long Live Modern Alternatives!

The tiger tool was known for a long time to help with auditing Unix-based systems. Fortunately there are new tools that are better maintained.


Recently I saw some tweets showing up from an old friend: Tiger. Surprised to see it being promoted, as I know the tool for years, but never seen any new releases in the last years. Both are actually a shame. An outdated tool is usually of lower value. Promoting old tools might actually disappoint others and harm the initial trust in the software.

History of Tiger

Small logo of Tiger tool

In its day, the tool was quite good. Seeing the tool is still being reviewed on blogs, this might be a good opportunity to check out the tool (again). At the same time, it might be a good to learn about some modern alternatives to Tiger, which are more up-to-date with current technologies. Let’s start with the history first and then dive into what we can learn from the project. Tiger is still presented as the “The Unix security audit and intrusion detection tool”.

Security Defenses to Fortify your Linux Systems

Your Linux systems should be protected against common security attacks. By using 4 common techniques, we can fortify our systems like a real fortress.


Create a Linux security fortress; implementing security defenses using towers, bridges, and guards.

Still many companies have difficulties implementing basic security measures. Even after years of websites being defaced, and customer records stolen, the same mistakes are made over and over again. While this all might sound like an unsolvable situation, information security is getting attention from more people. If you are responsible for the system management of Linux systems, ignoring security is no longer an option.

Audit SSH configurations: HashKnownHosts option

Information about the HashKnownHosts option in the SSH configuration file. Explains how to audit and tune this option to secure an Unix based system.


How it works

Each time the SSH client connects with a server, it will store a related signature (a key) of the server. This information is stored in a file names named known_hosts. The known_hosts file itself is available in the .ssh subdirectory of the related user (on the client). In the case the signature of the server changes, SSH will protect the user by notifying about this chance.

Risk involved

This configuration option is very useful, but also introduces a new risk. Previously it was common to store the hostname related with the key. The result is a “picture” of the network, revealing which systems are connected. This made it easy for worms and other malicious scripts to use this information and spread to other systems, once they had a single system compromised.

Linux server hardening and best practices

One of the myths is that Linux systems are secure by default. Learn what kind of measures you can implement and which security tools help with that.


Learn the basics of Linux server hardening and what kind of measures and tools you can implement.

Linux kernel security and how to improve it

Every system is as strong as its weakest link, especially the system kernel. This article explains Linux kernel security, what we can do and how to do so.


Every system is as strong as its weakest link. In the case of an operating system like Linux, one weakness in the kernel could result in a security breach. This article covers the Linux kernel features and how they work.

Kernel features

Live kernel patching

As the kernel is similar to other software, it receives updates to improve it. Now and then a security weakness is discovered in one of the subsystems of the Linux kernel. This means that Linux distributions have to create a patch, rebuild the related software packages, and distribute it. The downside is that installing a new kernel package, will not resolve the issue. After all, you are still running the same kernel that you did before applying the updates. This is what kernel patches or livepatches solve.