

Learn about the sysctl command and the values related to the network class.


This class defines the parameters related to the networking stack.

Sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward

The sysctl key net.ipv4.ip_forward key is used to define IP forwarding of IPv4 network packets. Learn about the possible values of this key and their meaning.


This sysctl key defines if a system should allow forwarding of IPv4 network packets. This functionality is required for systems that act as a gateway or router.

IP forwarding is normally not required for most desktops and servers.

Sysctl: kernel.perf_event_paranoid

Understand and configure the sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid key, including the possible values and their meaning.


This sysctl key controls the use of the performance events system. It restricts what actions an unprivileged user can do when using the perf tools. This setting is useful to limit the access to possibly sensitive information that can be gathered from the kernel and processes.

Debian-based systems may have higher numbers available than the current upper limit of 2, which is also the default value.


Learn about the sysctl command and how it can help with kernel tunables to alter the system configuration and perform additional security hardening.



The sysctl tool allows configuring kernel parameters or tunables. By changing related sysctl keys and their individual values, the system behavior can be changed. Several keys are related to security and can help with kernel hardening, or system hardening in general.

Files and locations

The configuration of sysctl is typically spread over multiple files and paths. Systems with systemd will have additional paths.

Files are read in order and the first match of a kernel setting is used.


Learn about the sysctl command and the values related to the kernel class.


This class defines global kernel parameters.


Understand and configure the sysctl kernel.tainted key, including the possible values and their meaning.


This is a setting that you would normally not change. It is a state that shows if the kernel was tainted. If the value is higher than zero, than it is tainted.

Relevant FAQ: What is a tainted kernel?

Understand and configure core dumps on Linux

When a Linux program or process gets into trouble, it typically crashes and leaves a core dump. Learn what Linux core dumps are and how to configure them.


Every system needs running processes to fulfill its primary goal. But sometimes things go wrong and a process may crash. Depending on the configuration of the system a core dump is created. In other words, a memory snapshot of the crashed process is stored. The term core actually refers to the old magnetic core memory from older systems. Although this type of memory is no longer being used, we still use this term on Linux systems. Enough for history, let’s configure our Linux system to properly handle core dumps.

Linux and ASLR: kernel/randomize_va_space

ASLR protects the Linux kernel and programs against different attacks. It can be tuned with the randomize_va_space setting to provide different protections.


Configuring ASLR with randomize_va_space

The Linux kernel has a defense mechanism named address space layout randomization (ASLR). This setting is tunable with the randomize_va_space setting. Before making changes to this setting, it is good to understand what this Linux security measure actually does and how it works.

Understanding ASLR

In 2001 the term ASLR was first introduced as a patch to the Linux kernel. Its main goal was to randomize memory segments to make abuse by malicious programs harder. A normal program consists of several components, which are loaded into memory and flagged with special properties. Some pieces of the program are executable bits, others are normal data. Before going into these properties, let’s first determine the main goal of a program. Simply said, it should have a start procedure, maintain itself, and finally end. For some programs this whole cycle can take milliseconds, others may take years to complete. It all depends on the program, its stability and how often a system is rebooted.

Linux hardening with sysctl settings

The Linux kernel can be secured as well. Learn how system hardening principles can be applied using sysctl settings.


The GNU/Linux kernel powers a lot of systems, from big mainframes to the Android device in your pocket. If you want to achieve more security on your Linux systems, it would make sense to start hardening there, right? While securing the kernel looks easy at first sight, there is more to it than initially meets the eye. We will have a look at some kernel options and how to select the best sysctl values for Linux systems.

Protect against ptrace of processes: kernel.yama.ptrace_scope

Using the Linux Security Module (LSM) Yama we can protect the system against the usage of ptrace. The sysctl key kernel.yama.ptrace_scope sets the behavior.


Hardening the kernel with kernel.yama.ptrace_scope

Ptrace is a great troubleshooting tool for developers to determine how a process functions. It can be used to find programming flaws, like memory leakage. On the other hand, the tool also be used by people with malicious intent. For example to debug a process as a non-privileged user and find the contents of application memory.


Linux has the ability to include Linux Security Modules, to provide additional features with the means of a module. Yama does Discretionary Access Control of some kernel related functions, like defining if process tracing (ptrace) is allowed.

Linux kernel security and how to improve it

Every system is as strong as its weakest link, especially the system kernel. This article explains Linux kernel security, what we can do and how to do so.


Every system is as strong as its weakest link. In the case of an operating system like Linux, one weakness in the kernel could result in a security breach. This article covers the Linux kernel features and how they work.

Kernel features

Live kernel patching

As the kernel is similar to other software, it receives updates to improve it. Now and then a security weakness is discovered in one of the subsystems of the Linux kernel. This means that Linux distributions have to create a patch, rebuild the related software packages, and distribute it. The downside is that installing a new kernel package, will not resolve the issue. After all, you are still running the same kernel that you did before applying the updates. This is what kernel patches or livepatches solve.