
Linux hardening with sysctl settings

The Linux kernel can be secured as well. Learn how system hardening principles can be applied using sysctl settings.


The GNU/Linux kernel powers a lot of systems, from big mainframes to the Android device in your pocket. If you want to achieve more security on your Linux systems, it would make sense to start hardening there, right? While securing the kernel looks easy at first sight, there is more to it than initially meets the eye. We will have a look at some kernel options and how to select the best sysctl values for Linux systems.

Linux kernel security and how to improve it

Every system is as strong as its weakest link, especially the system kernel. This article explains Linux kernel security, what we can do and how to do so.


Every system is as strong as its weakest link. In the case of an operating system like Linux, one weakness in the kernel could result in a security breach. This article covers the Linux kernel features and how they work.

Kernel features

Live kernel patching

As the kernel is similar to other software, it receives updates to improve it. Now and then a security weakness is discovered in one of the subsystems of the Linux kernel. This means that Linux distributions have to create a patch, rebuild the related software packages, and distribute it. The downside is that installing a new kernel package, will not resolve the issue. After all, you are still running the same kernel that you did before applying the updates. This is what kernel patches or livepatches solve.