Last change: 2025-03-12
Harden the Dovecot IMAP and POP3 server configuration with the help of this predefined profile and leverage systemd sandboxing capabilities.
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Harden the Dovecot IMAP and POP3 server configuration with the help of this predefined profile and leverage systemd sandboxing capabilities.
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This is the troubleshooting area for Linux software with focus on software issues, troubleshooting and resolving them.
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The apt package manager can be used to download a package file without actually installing it. See how the download subcommand is used to achieve this.
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Learn how to see the dependencies of a package that is to be installed or already installed on the system using the apt package manager.
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Learn how to remove previously installed packages on a Linux system using the apt package manager, such as Debian and Ubuntu.
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Learn why and how packages may become unnecessary on Linux and how to remove them with the apt package manager on systems like Debian and Ubuntu.
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On Linux systems such as Arch Linux, pacman is the default package manager. Query the pacman package manager to show all installed packages.
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Query the package manager to show installed packages on Ubuntu systems including version details. This can be done with the dpkg command and --list option.
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Frequently asked questions about software and in particular the package manager. Learn how to install packages, query package versions, and more.
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Learn how to show installed packages on Linux systems. This overview covers common package managers including those for AlmaLinux, Debian, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.
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Everything related to package managers like apt, dnf, yum, and zypper. Learn how to use the tools to install and configure packages.
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Everything related to software, including package managers, building software packages, and more.
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An step-by-step introduction into ELF files. Learn the structure and format, to understand how binaries and libraries on Linux systems work.
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When a Linux program or process gets into trouble, it typically crashes and leaves a core dump. Learn what Linux core dumps are and how to configure them.
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With the right tool, arch-audit in this case, we can find any vulnerable package that is installed on a Arch Linux system. Learn how it works.
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Best Practices from the OpenSSF project help creating more security open source software projects. Learn what they do and how it can help your project.
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Learn how to find and disable those services on Linux that are nowadays are considered to be unsafe or known for the weak security.
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Linux systems running Ubuntu might show the message 'System program problem detected'. This article shows how to deal with the message.
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Should you external repositories or not? In this article we look at why trusting external repositories might be a bad thing.
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To ensure your system is secure and stable, package management is an important task. To achieve that, use pkg_add to update your installed OpenBSD packages.
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Linux systems have a lot of software packages, resulting in regular upgrades and updates. Proper software patch management is key and we share how to do it.
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When coming across an OpenBSD system, one can not ignore auditing the OpenBSD software packages and its configuration. Learn more what OpenBSD has to offer.
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NetBSD can perform a security audit on its packages with the pkg_admin tool. With the check and audit parameters it can perform security check in seconds.
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Also Debian and Ubuntu are vulnerable for Shellshock vulnerability in Bash. That's why it is important to run apt update and perform an upgrade of Bash.
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With Linux being decently hardened by default, would it make sense to invest in reading hardening guides? The short answer: yes!
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Quick guide about the differences between Lynis and the Lynis Enterprise Suite and what version is best suitable for your Linux or Unix environment.
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Tips and suggestions to keep Lynis up-to-date. With every software tool receiving improvements and bug fixes, it's important to update Lynis as well.
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Article about how to audit and check installed software packages and their security by using the related package managers.