
Missing Packages: Don’t Trust External Repositories!

Should you external repositories or not? In this article we look at why trusting external repositories might be a bad thing.


If you are in the business of system administration, you know the big dilemma when it comes to installing software: missing packages. Yes, a lot of packages are available in the repositories of your Linux distribution, but not the one you need. Or when it is, it is horribly outdated. So you reach out to external resources, like community maintained repositories, right?

With Lynis, we face this same issue. While most of the distributions have Lynis in the repository, it is often outdated. We could do packaging ourselves, and most likely will in the future. But for now, that task is taking too much time with the regular updates we provide. Packaging, testing, and checking is a delicate process, often better done by people who know that specific Linux distribution from the inside out.

Security Defenses to Fortify your Linux Systems

Your Linux systems should be protected against common security attacks. By using 4 common techniques, we can fortify our systems like a real fortress.


Create a Linux security fortress; implementing security defenses using towers, bridges, and guards.

Still many companies have difficulties implementing basic security measures. Even after years of websites being defaced, and customer records stolen, the same mistakes are made over and over again. While this all might sound like an unsolvable situation, information security is getting attention from more people. If you are responsible for the system management of Linux systems, ignoring security is no longer an option.