Patch Management

Determine Processes Which Need a Restart with checkrestart/needrestart

Just patching software packages is not enough. We cover some tools to determine which processes need a restart to complete software patch management.


Proper software patch management helps reducing weaknesses on your systems. But even if you patched an outdated system, old processes and libraries can continue to run in memory. For example when a library is updated, an active program might still use the old version. To really finish the process of software patching, we have to do more. This includes preparation, performing the update and finally check if we need a restart of software components.

Using unattended-upgrades on Debian and Ubuntu

To counter the biggest threat to software packages, Debian and Ubuntu based systems can use unattended-upgrades, to install security patches automatically.


To counter the biggest threat to software packages, they should be updated on a regular basis. Vulnerabilities are discovered on a daily basis, which also requires we monitor daily. Software patching takes time, especially when testing and reboots are needed. Fortunately, systems running Debian and Ubuntu can use unattended-upgrades to achieve automated patch management for security updates. Installation With most software packages, unattended-upgrades has to be installed. apt install unattended-upgrades

Software Patch Management for Maximum Linux Security

Linux systems have a lot of software packages, resulting in regular upgrades and updates. Proper software patch management is key and we share how to do it.


Maximum Linux security with proper software patch management Software upgrades are almost as old as the first lines of software code. Still companies struggle to properly update software, also when it comes to security patching. In this article we have a look at the reason behind patching and some methods to keep your systems humming, with fresh packages. Why Update? To most of us, it instantly makes sense to keep the software on your systems up-to-date.