Package Manager
Pacman cheat sheet
Cheat sheet for using the pacman package manager on Linux systems, including common tasks that are to be performed with pacman.
How to download a package with apt without installing it?
The apt package manager can be used to download a package file without actually installing it. See how the download subcommand is used to achieve this.
How to see the dependencies of a package with apt?
Learn how to see the dependencies of a package that is to be installed or already installed on the system using the apt package manager.
How to remove a package with apt?
Learn how to remove previously installed packages on a Linux system using the apt package manager, such as Debian and Ubuntu.
How to remove unused packages with apt?
Learn why and how packages may become unnecessary on Linux and how to remove them with the apt package manager on systems like Debian and Ubuntu.
How to show all installed packages with pacman
On Linux systems such as Arch Linux, pacman is the default package manager. Query the pacman package manager to show all installed packages.
Apt cheat sheet
The cheat sheet for the apt package manager to cover the most used options. Learn how to get more out of the apt command.
How to show all installed packages on Ubuntu
Query the package manager to show installed packages on Ubuntu systems including version details. This can be done with the dpkg command and --list option.
Package manager: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about software, such as package manager, package versions, and how to configure them.
List installed packages on a Linux system
Learn how to show installed packages on Linux systems. This overview covers common package managers including those for AlmaLinux, Debian, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.
Package manager
Everything related to package managers like apt, dnf, yum, and zypper. Learn how to use the tools to install and configure packages.
Discover to which package a file belongs to
With the right Linux software tools, it is easy to find to which package a file belongs. Or the opposite, what files are part of an installed package.
Audit installed compilers and their packages
Compilers can be abused by attackers to perform the so-called privilege escalation attacks. Here is how to find compilers and secure your system.
Showing Available Security Updates with DNF
Systems running Fedora have the DNF utility. With DNF it becomes easily to install packages and stay up-to-date with security related updates.
Auditing Linux: Software Packages and Managers
Article about how to audit and check installed software packages and their security by using the related package managers.