Linux Security

How to secure a Linux system

Looking to secure your Linux system? This security guide shows you how to perform system hardening and run technical audits to keep it in optimal condition.


Every Linux system will benefit from more security, especially if it contains sensitive data. With so many resources available on the internet, one might think that securing Linux has become easy. We know it is not.

Linux system hardening takes a good amount of understanding about how the Linux kernel works. It also requires a good understanding of the operating system principles. In this guide, we will help you to get this understanding and provide you with tips and tools. The final result should be a secure Linux server or desktop system.

How to become a Linux security expert?

Demand for Linux security experts has risen over the last years. This article shows the relevant Linux security topics and required skills. Do you master them?


Years ago it was a challenge to find screenshots of devices running Linux. Nowadays, Linux can power phones, TV’s, computer systems, mainframes, and many more devices. With more devices, the demand for Linux knowledge will continue to grow. At the same time, the demand for security is higher than ever. All the media attention and regulations like GDPR, asks for more Linux security specialists. In this post, the goal is to answer the question: How to become a Linux security expert?

The state of Linux security in 2017

The year 2017 is closing, so it is time to review Linux security. Like last year, we look at the state of Linux security. A collection of the finest moments.


Linux security (2017 edition)

The year is closing, so it is time to review Linux security. Like last year, we look at the state of Linux security. A collection of the finest moments. Did we forget something important? Let us know in the comments. This post will remain updated in the upcoming weeks.

As this post may appear on HN, Reddit, Slashdot, and other high-traffic sites, this post is heavily cached. Comments may show up with some delay.

Linux security myths

So what is true about Linux security and what isn't? In this article we look at common security myths when it comes to Linux.


Myth busting: Linux security

As the author of Lynis, I have to run several Linux systems for testing Linux security defenses. And if you do something long enough, some get to see you as a Linux security expert. When that happens, you get asked questions. Surprisingly they are often related to some of the myths. Time to share a few I got asked. If you received this link from me directly, then most likely you asked one :)

The state of Linux security

This is the state of Linux security. With the most important updates around Linux and open source security. From conferences to self-protection.


Linux security and its developments

In the last 10 years, GNU/Linux achieved something some foreseen as almost impossible: powering both the smallest and biggest devices in the world and everything in between. Only the desktop is not a conquered terrain yet.

The last years had a great impact on the world. Both from a real-life perspective, as digitally. Some people found their personal details leaked on the internet, others found their software being backdoored. Let’s have a look back on what happened lately and what we can expect regarding Linux security.

Linux security guide: the extended version

Feeling overwhelmed with the options available to secure your Linux system? With this guide, we walk step-by-step through the option, tools, and resources.


Feeling overwhelmed with the resources available to secure your Linux system? This security guide will provide you the points where to start.

With this Linux security guide, we walk step-by-step through the options, tools, and resources. After reading this article, you will be able to make educated decisions about what Linux security defenses to implement for your systems.

You will be introduced to the right tools that help you automate and test your improvements.

The Most Influential Linux Security Blogs

Linux security is hot, yet blogs about Linux security are rare. Besides our own blog, here are the most influential bloggers and developers we know.


The best Linux security blogs or those that talk about security

Dealing with Linux Malware, Insights by the Author of rkhunter

Malicious software plague computers for more than 40 years and most likely this threat will never stop. What should you know about it to protect yourself?


Malicious software plague computers for more than 40 years. It is hard to think this threat will ever stop. The Linux platform definitely has their share of malware, although many people never experienced it firsthand. Let’s dive into this subject and discover why your system might actually being compromised at this very moment.

The types of malware

To understand the risks, you have to understand the threats and weaknesses. When we talk about malware, there are different family types, each with their own threat and method of attack. The most common five families are:

Differences between iptables and nftables explained

An overview of the differences between firewall technologies iptables and nftables. We highlight the major differences like simplicity and management.


The seasoned Linux administrator will be familiar with iptables, the network traffic filter. If you ever configured a Linux system with an ethernet bridge configuration, you might even have worked with ebtables. Or possibly you wanted to filter ARP traffic and used arptables? Newcomer nftables has arrived, with the purpose to replace iptables, ip6tables, ebtables and arptables. As with every big upcoming change, it is good to know the differences. We explain what makes nftables different to iptables, and why you want to adopt it in the near future.

Security Program: Implementing Linux Security

We have a look at implementing Linux security in IT environments and the related success criteria. Let's plan for success and get those measures implemented!


Information security is possibly one of the hardest subjects in IT. Doing too less and you risk of security breaches. Doing too much will restrict the core businesses of your organization. With a proper security program, implementing Linux security can be greatly simplified. By having a structured approach, the strength of the defenses will increase, while risks decrease. In this article, we have a look at how to properly prepare security projects and changes. This way we can increase the chance to succeed with the security program. This article is a combination of processes and technical aspects, so it will be focused on both project managers and system administrators.

Linux server hardening and best practices

One of the myths is that Linux systems are secure by default. Learn what kind of measures you can implement and which security tools help with that.


Learn the basics of Linux server hardening and what kind of measures and tools you can implement.