
Delete a HSTS Key Pin in Chrome

Here are the steps to take on Chrome when a HSTS key pin is set on a website, but incorrect. Go to the net-internals settings to search for the domain.


Delete a HSTS Key Pin in Chrome Key pinning can be tricky and sometimes you might encounter a website having an incorrect key pin. This is usually caused by renewing certificates. In that case the duration time of the key pin might overlap the expire time of the moment of renewal. Chrome Error You will be seeing an error something like: Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from domain.

Deleting Outdated HPKP Key Pins in Firefox

HPKP is a great technology to pin a certificate to a website. Unless it starts blocking access to a legitimate website.


HPKP Key Pins in Firefox HPKP is a great technology to pin a certificate to a website. On first use of a domain, the browser of the client checks if key pinning is available. Upon a next visit, the browser applies an additional check if the certificate(s) provided is available in the previous list of white-listed sites. HPKP error Sometimes things go wrong with HPKP and you won’t be able to access a particular page.