Last change: 2025-03-12
Linux has multiple tools to process text files, including to search through files and filter out all unique words. Here is how to combine a few commands.
- grep
- sort
- uniq
Last change: 2025-03-12
Linux has multiple tools to process text files, including to search through files and filter out all unique words. Here is how to combine a few commands.
Last change: 2025-03-12
Linux has a wide range of tools to do data processing and text manipulation. Learn how to remove trailing whitespace from a file using the sed command.
Last change: 2025-03-12
This section is all about random data, like generating it for creating passwords or improving security. Learn how to create random numbers.
Last change: 2025-03-12
Dealing with data in almost every form, including examples and snippets to process it from the command-line. From awk to your shell.