
GDPR Compliance: Technical Requirements for Linux Systems

An insight in the technical aspects and requirements for Linux systems when it comes to compliance with the GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation.


What is GDPR?

GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation to protect personal data from citizens of the European Union (EU). When speaking about stored data, it includes the handling of data at any given time, from the initial creation of the data, until the final deletion of it. One of the important parts is the right to ‘know’. That means that individuals can ask what data is stored about them. Another request they may make is that this data is deleted. You may know this from the “right to be forgotten” which already applied to Google for some years. The GDPR applies to all companies that store personal data from EU citizens. So even if you are based in the US, a happy shopper from the EU will get you in scope.

In-depth Linux Guide to Achieve PCI DSS Compliance and Certification

This is the technical Linux guide to achieve compliance with the PCI DSS standard. Become compliant, with Linux tips for configuration and auditing.


The standard itself is very detailed. Still, it sometimes unclear on what specifically to implement and when. This guide will help with translating the PCI standard to technical security controls on Linux systems.

This document has the goal to help you further secure your network and pass the PCI DSS audit. It is important to note that this guide is a set of generic tips. Your IT environment might require additional security measures. Always consult your auditor when it comes to interpreting the PCI DSS requirements and how it relates to your systems and network.

SOx compliance and Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

On of the biggest companies in the US, Enron fell into the trap of fraud. Great lessons might be learned from the documentary and SOx compliance.


If you are involved with Linux security, you might already have come across SOx compliance. Usually from a sysadmins point of view, work doesn’t get easier due to these compliance requirements. Still there are some lessons we can learn, followed by a great documentary to watch about Enron.

The Sabanes-Oxley Act, SOx for short, now applies to all companies who like to have their stock exchanged at the New York stock exchange (NYSE). The goal of SOx is to reduce fraud and make people responsible if they are guilty of committing to fraud. This includes jail time and high fines, to ensure fraud won’t be unpunished.

PCI DSS Linux: Creation and deletion of system-level objects

The PCI DSS standard defines Creation and deletion of system-level objects. For Linux systems this might be handled with the Linux audit framework.


Some areas are within the PCI DSS standard are definitely not directly clear when reading the description. Section 10.2.7 is one of them. It talks about the creation and deletion of system-level objects and specifically the ability to log them.

System-level objects?

The guidance in 10.2.7 speaks about malware and mentions database related items. That does not make auditing very obvious, as malware usually targets binaries. Therefore we have to look first what a system-level object is.

PCI DSS (v3) Linux: Invalid logical access attempts (10.2.4)

PCI DSS compliance control 10.2.4 mandates to monitor invalid logical access attempts. For Linux we can use the Linux audit framework to monitor for this event.


PCI describes in control 10.2.4 to monitor for “invalid logical access attempts”. Another way of saying to monitor attempts which are not allowed, like accessing a file you are not supposed to. Another indication might be brute force attempts to log in, which result in several failed logins.

To monitor for invalid access attempts, we can use the Linux audit framework. This framework has been created and maintained by Red Hat over the years. It is a great tool for auditing and to help with PCI DSS compliance on Linux based systems.

PCI DSS Linux: Logging of administrative actions with root privileges

PCI DSS requires logging of administrative actions, including commands executed by the root user or using sudo. Learn how to set up accounting and auditing.


Companies who need to comply with the PCI DSS standard need to log all actions which are executed by the root user or those accounts with similar administrative privileges.

10.2.2 Verify all actions taken by any individual with root or administrative privileges are logged.

The Linux kernel allows the monitoring of executed commands. This monitoring and logging can be done with the Linux audit framework. Using this framework, we can monitor the right system calls and create an audit trail. It is also called Linux accounting. Such accounting is similar to the call history on your mobile phone bill.

PCI DSS Linux: No write access to shared system binaries

PCI compliance demands that no write access is allowed to shared system binaries. Let's use several tools to determine if write access is allowed.


A.1.2.c Verify that an entity’s users do not have write access to shared system binaries

Shared system binaries should be protected, as they form the basis of your system. PCI compliance (A.1.2.c) demands that users do not have write access to shared systems binaries. The only exception is of course the root user, so software upgrades are still possible.

Paths for system binaries

Depending on the distribution used there are several directories which have shared system binaries. Common paths are:

PCI DSS (v3) for Linux: Auditing application processes (A.1.2.a)

PCI DSS compliance requires you to verify if no application processes are running as root. We audit these application processes and check the status of each.


A.1.2.a Verify the user ID of any application process is not a privileged user (root/admin).

For Unix and Linux based systems, processes should run as a non-privileged user where possible. However to be able to start, a process is usually started with root permissions (uid 0). This is required to open the required sockets (e.g. bind to port 80).

After the initial start, the process drops its privileges by switching to another user. In some cases there will maintain one master process, which is started with uid 0 as well. This process is responsible for the creation of child processes, not for handling interactions with users or processes. You can consider this as an administrative process. The child processes do handle

PCI DSS (v3) Linux: Restrict log file viewing (A.1.2.d)

Linux users who want to compliant with PCI DSS have to restrict log file viewing to only the owner. Learn how to achieve this.


A.1.2.d Verify that viewing of log entries is restricted to the owning entity.

To limit exposure to information, PCI DSS requires access of logging to only the entity owning that log file. In other words, we have to search for those entries which can be seen by others.

By default, most log files on Linux based systems will be stored in /var/log. We can do a quick check for any files which are world readable, by using find.

Linux server security: Three steps to secure each system

Article about Linux server security and guidance for securing your Linux systems. Focus on auditing, hardening and compliance, to improve security defenses.


Determining the level of Linux server security can only by measuring the actual implemented security safeguards. This process is called auditing and focuses on comparing common security measures with the ones implemented. While there is almost no system with all possible safeguards implemented, we still can determine how well (or badly) the system is protected.

Security is about finding the weakest link(s) and associate risk with each weakness. Depending on the role of the system, sensitivity of data and possible threats, we can then select what security safeguards are appropriate. By implementing these safeguards, called hardening, we increase our security defenses. After these steps, we will compare implemented measures with our baselines to determine the level of compliance.