
Tools compared: rkhunter VS Lynis

Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) and Lynis are often seen as similar tools to find malware on Linux systems. Learn why they have a completely different goal.


The question about what the differences are between rkhunter and Lynis is showing up more and more. Time to share the purpose of both and show the difference in its usage. As the author of both tools, I should have done this nine years ago. So with some little delay, here it is. Rootkit Hunter Written in 2003, rkhunter had the goal to detect malware on Linux and UNIX-based systems. The main target was rootkits, with an occasional detection mechanism for a common backdoor.

Difference between CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL

Difference between CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL.


The biggest open source company is nowadays Red Hat. It is known for its contributions to many open source projects, including the Linux kernel itself. Less known is that Red Hat is involved in different Linux distributions, directly or indirectly. Fedora Fedora has received many updates and individual releases over the years. It is a playground for new functionality. Often new technology is found here. It can be compared with other distributions like Arch Linux, except that it is slightly less aggressive in deploying the latest software components for everything.

Product comparison: Lynis VS Nessus

In this article we do a comparison of Tenable Nessus and Lynis from CISOfy. We look at the features, their goals and where they can be compared or differ.


Professionals ask us often how Lynis is different than Tenable Nessus. As the original author of Lynis, let me address that very interesting question. Different goal Nessus is focused on vulnerability scanning, or in other words, finding weaknesses in you environment. The huge amount of plugins and their actions show that this is the primary focus. Along the way it started to implement others services, like compliance checking. Lynis also detects vulnerabilities, but that is not its main goal.