
Run0 cheat sheet

Learn how to get everything out of the run0 tool to increase your privilege level.


Elevating permissions

Apt cheat sheet

The package manager apt gots much more options than one could think. In this cheat sheet they get uncovered.


Managing packages

Tcpdump cheat sheet

Get more information out of the tcpdump tool using this cheat sheet. Find everything that is going on the network and your Linux systems.


No network packet will remain hidden

Dmidecode cheat sheet

Want to see all hardware details of a system? Then dmidecode is your friend, helping to decode all information from the SMBIOS specification.


All hardware exposed

Cheat sheets

All cheat sheets to simplify your system administration and Linux security activities. Something missing? Let it know.


With many commands available on Linux, the number of options and remembering them can be overwhelming. This collection of Linux cheat sheets is intended as a reference for common tools and how to use them. With the included examples, it is also an easy way to learn about the options that they have to offer.

Tar cheat sheet

Become a master in archiving and compressing files using the tar tool with this cheat sheet.


Archiving all the data

Ip cheat sheet

Want to see or configure every piece of information about networking, including routing on Linux? Forget tools like netstat and learn using the ip command.


No more networking secrets

Lsof cheat sheet

Get information about open files on Linux using the lsof command. This cheat sheet covers many common uses for using lsof and how to use it.


Show open file information

Ss cheat sheet

If you want to learn more about network connections on Linux, then ss is the tool to get the job done. Learn how to use it with this cheat sheet.


Reveal all those sockets

Du cheat sheet

Get more out of the du utility with this cheat sheet. Use it as a reference to find often-used options or those that come handy in time.


Find out who is using up that disk space

Find cheat sheet

The find utility is probably the best tool to find files on your system, but it has some learning curve. We help you to achieve that with this cheat sheet.


Learn to search and to find

Systemd cheat sheet

Increase your system administration skills with this systemd cheat sheet, including how to configure and monitor systemd units.


Make a new friend?

Systemctl cheat sheet

Learn how to get every piece of information from systemd units, such as services and timers, including its configuration and status.


Control those processes and timers

Journalctl cheat sheet

Learn how to get every piece of information from systemd journals with the journalctl command. This cheat sheet will help you with the task.


Query the journal and find the needle

Curl cheat sheet

One of the best HTTP clients is the open source tool curl. With ongoing development and new updates, it is worth getting everything out of this powerful tool!


Download files and troubleshoot issues faster with curl

AWK cheat sheet

When it comes to a powerful tools on Linux, AWK is definitely one to know. This cheat sheet explains the basics and shows many useful one-liners


Parse files quicker with smarter expressions

Strace cheat sheet

The strace utility is diverse and helpful in performance tuning, troubleshooting, and monitoring process activity. Get the most out of this powerful tool!


Troubleshoot and monitor all processes