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IPAccounting setting

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The property IPAccounting is a systemd unit setting used for accounting. It is available since systemd 235.

Purpose: Define if accounting on network packets and bytes should be used

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Why and when to use IPAccounting

Systemd unit setting IPAccounting can be used to turn on accounting. If set, it will track the number of network packets and bytes that was send to the related service. It will both incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress).


The default option is that IP accounting is disabled for services. This can be validated by looking at the relevant counters, such as IPIngressBytes and IPEgressBytes. The first one will track how much incoming traffic there was (in bytes), the second for outgoing traffic.

# systemctl show nginx.service | grep -E "^IP"
IPIngressBytes=[no data]
IPIngressPackets=[no data]
IPEgressBytes=[no data]
IPEgressPackets=[no data]

If there is already information available, then IP accounting was enabled in the service or by setting DefaultIPAccounting=yes in a global systemd configuration file.

Example to activate IPAccounting

If you want to monitor your nginx service to see how much traffic is coming in, then we need to make adjustments to the service unit.

Override the service unit and add IPAccounting=yes under [Service].

Restart nginx to activate the new settings.

systemctl restart nginx.service

When traffic goes to or comes from the nginx service, it will become visible in the relevant counters.

# systemctl show nginx.service | grep -E "^IP"

Generic advice

This setting can be helpful to monitor the traffic that goes to a specific service. Especially if it is unclear how much a service is being accessed.


Systemd unit setting IPAccounting expects a boolean (yes/no or true/false).

Values for systemd unit setting IPAccounting
ValueIntended actionAvailable since
systemd version
nono accounting of IP packets and data traffic - default235
yesenable IP accounting and track network packets and data traffic235

Example to show the current value of IPAccounting for the ssh service:

systemctl show --property=IPAccounting ssh.service


Frequently Asked Questions

How to use systemctl edit?

Run systemctl with the 'edit' subcommand and service.

systemctl edit UNIT.service

See full answer at How to use systemctl edit to change a service?


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