How to see only recent journal entries
This article has last been updated at .
How to see only recent journal entries?
Run journalctl and apply a time filter by using the '--since' option.
journalctl --since="today"The journalctl command shows by default the oldest entries it has in the journal. Typically we are not interested in that, for that purpose there is the --since= option. This option defines that entries should be after the specified moment in time. Besides using an actual date, a shortened name like ’today’ can also be used that automatically defines the date and time.
To see the entries of today, use the aptly named ’today'.
journalctl --since="today"
Looking for a very recent entry? Define a period in minutes.
journalctl --since="15 min ago"
Want to be really precise? Define the date and time.
journalctl --since="2024-06-15 02:15:30"