Swap memory information
Physical RAM is used to store information. Linux divides this RAM into smaller chunks, named memory pages. When there is no more normal memory available, the Linux kernel might need to temporarily store information aside. This is called paging or swap space.
During the process of paging, memory pages will be moved from the RAM to the disk. This way memory is freed up for active processes, while older information is temporarily stored on the disk. A disk is much slower than RAM, so typically you want to avoid paging as much as possible.
Swap size and usage
Basic information about the size of the swap is available via free. It also a quick overview of memory details. The source of the information is the file /proc/meminfo.
# free
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 980412 169752 211584 988 599076 661372
Swap: 1959932 42216 1917716
Slightly more detailed information can be retrieved using the vmstat command.
# vmstat --stats | grep swap
529192 K swap cache
1959932 K total swap
42216 K used swap
1917716 K free swap
18986 pages swapped in
32724 pages swapped out
Which processes are using the most swap?
To see which processes are using swap, consider using smem to retrieve the details.
smem --columns="pid swap"
An alternative is to do it without, and select a process that has high memory usage (e.g. from top output). Retrieve the pid with pidof
or pgrep
, then look in the ‘/proc/PID/status’ file.
To automate this step, use a script like this:
for I in $(pidof firefox); do awk -v PID=${I} '/^VmSwap/{print PID"="$2$3}' /proc/${I}/status; done
When in doubt what processes are using swap, we can retrieve the output for all processes.
awk '/Name|VmSwap/{printf (/Name/?"\n":" ")$2$3} END{ print "\n"}' /proc/*/status \
| awk 'NF>1' \
| sort --human-numeric-sort --key=2 --reverse \
| column --table
This command retrieves the lines with Name or VmSwap and replaces the line feeds, so that we can print the name, and the size on one line. Some kernel processes will not have a VmSwap value, so those entries we filter out by only showing the entries that have two fields (name and swap size). Finally we sort on the second column, and present a nice table.