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Troubleshooting CPU usage

Got a busy system that comes to a halt due it being too busy? In this article we look at troubleshooting issues related to CPU usage.

Monitoring CPU usage

The tool top might be the most familiar tool to monitor CPU or memory usage. A good alternative is the pidstat tool. It can be using an interval and easily show active processes, followed by a summary.

# pidstat 3
Linux 6.5.0-28-generic (workstation) 	20-05-24 	_x86_64_	(8 CPU)

13:45:47      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:45:50        0       638    0,00    0,66    0,00    0,00    0,66     3  irq/204-nvidia
13:45:50     1000      1744    0,33    1,00    0,00    0,00    1,33     6  pulseaudio
13:45:50     1000      2050    1,66    0,33    0,00    0,00    1,99     2  gnome-shell
13:45:50     1000      3767    1,99    1,33    0,00    0,00    3,32     3  firefox
13:45:50     1000      3985    1,00    0,66    0,00    0,00    1,66     7  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50     1000      4277    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  WebExtensions
13:45:50     1000     25736    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50     1000    560859    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50     1000    657165    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     3  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50     1000    858923    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50     1000   1235407    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     1  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50        0   1284255    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     7  kworker/7:1-events
13:45:50        0   1284904    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     0  kworker/0:2-pm
13:45:50        0   1285798    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     3  kworker/3:0-events
13:45:50     1000   1286455    1,00    0,00    0,00    0,00    1,00     0  Isolated Web Co
13:45:50        0   1287603    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     0  kworker/0:0-events

13:45:50      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:45:53        0       638    0,00    0,67    0,00    0,00    0,67     3  irq/204-nvidia
13:45:53     1000      1744    0,00    1,00    0,00    0,00    1,00     6  pulseaudio
13:45:53     1000      2050    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     2  gnome-shell
13:45:53     1000      3767    7,67    1,67    0,00    0,00    9,33     3  firefox
13:45:53     1000      3985    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  Isolated Web Co
13:45:53     1000      4277    0,67    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,67     7  WebExtensions
13:45:53     1000     18502    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  virt-manager
13:45:53     1000    560859    1,00    0,00    0,00    0,00    1,00     0  Isolated Web Co
13:45:53     1000    656930    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     5  Isolated Web Co
13:45:53     1000   1235407    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     6  Isolated Web Co
13:45:53     1000   1286455    0,67    0,67    0,00    0,00    1,33     7  Isolated Web Co
13:45:53     1000   1287953    0,00    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,33     1  pidstat


Average:      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
Average:        0       638    0,00    0,67    0,00    0,00    0,67     -  irq/204-nvidia
Average:        0       945    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  libvirtd
Average:     1000      1744    0,11    1,00    0,00    0,00    1,11     -  pulseaudio
Average:     1000      2050    0,67    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,78     -  gnome-shell
Average:     1000      3767    5,77    1,44    0,00    0,00    7,21     -  firefox
Average:     1000      3985    0,55    0,22    0,00    0,00    0,78     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000      3989    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000      4277    0,55    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,55     -  WebExtensions
Average:     1000     18502    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  virt-manager
Average:     1000     25736    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000    492449    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000    560859    0,55    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,55     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000    656930    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000    657165    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000    858923    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000   1202040    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:     1000   1235407    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:        0   1284255    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  kworker/7:1-events
Average:        0   1284904    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  kworker/0:2-pm
Average:        0   1285798    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  kworker/3:0-events
Average:     1000   1286455    0,78    0,55    0,00    0,00    1,33     -  Isolated Web Co
Average:        0   1287603    0,00    0,11    0,00    0,00    0,11     -  kworker/0:0-events
Average:     1000   1287953    0,00    0,22    0,00    0,00    0,22     -  pidstat

Filter by process

To zoom in on a particular process or task, the option -C or -G can be used. It filters on the provided string and looks if that is part of the command name. When needed, a regular expression can be used.

# pidstat -C firefox 3
Linux 6.5.0-28-generic (ws03) 	20-05-24 	_x86_64_	(8 CPU)

13:50:10      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:50:13     1000      3767    7,97    1,99    0,00    0,00    9,97     2  firefox

13:50:13      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:50:16     1000      3767    1,67    1,00    0,00    0,00    2,67     5  firefox

13:50:16      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:50:19     1000      3767    3,33    1,00    0,00    0,00    4,33     2  firefox

13:50:19      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
13:50:22     1000      3767    5,00    2,33    0,00    0,00    7,33     5  firefox

Average:      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
Average:     1000      3767    4,50    1,58    0,00    0,00    6,08     -  firefox

To get more details, add the options -l for long format (command with arguments) or -t for task details. The last one will include a tree-based output.

# pidstat -l -t
12:55:31      UID      TGID       TID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
12:55:31        0         1         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  /sbin/init
12:55:31        0         -         1    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__systemd
12:55:31        0         2         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  kthreadd
12:55:31        0         -         2    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__kthreadd
12:55:31        0        13         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  ksoftirqd/0
12:55:31        0         -        13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__ksoftirqd/0
12:55:31        0        14         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  rcu_sched
12:55:31        0         -        14    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__rcu_sched
12:55:31        0        15         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  migration/0
12:55:31        0         -        15    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__migration/0
12:55:31        0        22         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  khungtaskd
12:55:31        0         -        22    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__khungtaskd
12:55:31        0        25         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  kcompactd0
12:55:31        0         -        25    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__kcompactd0
12:55:31        0        83         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  kworker/0:1H-kblockd
12:55:31        0         -        83    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__kworker/0:1H-kblockd
12:55:31        0       294         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  jbd2/dm-0-8
12:55:31        0         -       294    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__jbd2/dm-0-8
12:55:31        0       369         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
12:55:31        0         -       369    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__systemd-journal
12:55:31        0       406         -    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01     0  /sbin/multipathd -d -s
12:55:31        0         -       406    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__multipathd
12:55:31        0         -       413    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__multipathd
12:55:31        0         -       414    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0  |__multipathd

Start and monitor a single process

Sometimes you want to zoom in on a single process. With pidstat we can start the process and monitor it, until we manually stop it. This way the process can be monitored from beginning till the end.

# pidstat 3 -e /opt/google/chrome/chrome
Linux 6.5.0-28-generic (workstation) 	20-05-24 	_x86_64_	(8 CPU)

14:20:29      UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest   %wait    %CPU   CPU  Command
14:20:32     1000   1290789   42,00    6,00    0,00    2,00   48,00     7  chrome
14:20:35     1000   1290789   65,00   18,33    0,00    7,67   83,33     0  chrome
14:20:38     1000   1290789    1,00    0,67    0,00    0,00    1,67     7  chrome
14:20:41     1000   1290789    0,33    0,00    0,00    0,00    0,33     6  chrome
14:20:44     1000   1290789    1,67    0,33    0,00    0,00    2,00     5  chrome
14:20:47     1000   1290789    3,67    0,67    0,00    0,33    4,33     2  chrome
14:20:50     1000   1290789    8,00    4,00    0,00    0,33   12,00     2  chrome
14:20:53     1000   1290789   12,00    2,00    0,00    0,33   14,00     1  chrome
14:20:56     1000   1290789    5,00    1,67    0,00    0,00    6,67     2  chrome
14:20:59     1000   1290789   11,00    3,67    0,00    0,33   14,67     4  chrome
14:21:02     1000   1290789    9,67    3,33    0,00    0,33   13,00     2  chrome
14:21:05     1000   1290789    6,67    2,00    0,00    0,33    8,67     2  chrome

Average:     1000   1290789   13,83    3,56    0,00    0,97   17,39     -  chrome

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Relevant commands in this article

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This article has been written by our Linux security expert Michael Boelen. With focus on creating high-quality articles and relevant examples, he wants to improve the field of Linux security. No more web full of copy-pasted blog posts.

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