peekfd command

peekfd shows file descriptor activity for processes

Typical usage: diagnosing process issues, information gathering, troubleshooting

Introduction into peekfd

The peekfd command is a tool for Linux systems to monitor file descriptors, usually open files and sockets. It shows any file descriptor activity for the process that is being tracked.


When peekfd is not installed by default, it can be added to the system using the relevant software package.

Package information for peekfd

Operating systemPackage nameInstallation
dnf install psmisc
Arch Linuxpsmisc
pacman -S psmisc
apt install psmisc
dnf install psmisc
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxpsmisc
dnf install psmisc
Rocky Linuxpsmisc
dnf install psmisc
zypper install psmisc
apt install psmisc

Your Linux distribution using a different package? Share your feedback.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the peekfd command and its purpose?

The peekfd command is a command-line tool to monitor processes and track activity on file descriptors like open files and sockets.

Which package provides the peekfd command?

The command peekfd is provided by the psmisc package.

Related and similar commands

Linux has a lot of tools and commands available and sometimes you just need that little other tool. Here is a list of commands that are similar or related to peekfd:

Related and similar commands to peekfd
basenamefilesStrips directory and file name suffix from a given path
chrtprocessesSets Linux scheduler policy and priority for a process or command
killprocessesSending signals to processes
lsfdfilesShows open file descriptors for processes
niceprocessesRuns commands with specified priority
numactlprocessesControls NUMA policy for processes and shared memory
pidofprocessesReturns process IDs for a process name
pidstatmonitoringMonitoring CPU, memory, and disk activity
pidwaitprocessesWait for process to stop
pmapprocessesShows memory mapping of process
prtstatprocessesShows process details for selected process like state, CPU and memory usage
pscapcapabilitiesDisplay available capabilities for running processes
pslogloggingShows which log files a process has opened
pstreeprocessesShow active processes and children like a tree
pwdxprocessesShows current working directory of a process
reniceprocessesChanges the priority of running processes
slabtopmemoryShows slab usage of kernel
smemmemoryShow memory usage including swap
straceprocess inspectionInspects running process
unitsdata conversionConverts a unit into another one, like from Celcius to Fahrenheit
watchprocessesMonitors changes in output of specified command

Also 💙 the command-line or terminal? Here is a set of cheat sheets for Linux to get more done from within the shell: