lsusb command

lsusb queries the available USB devices

Typical usage: diagnosing hardware issues, information gathering, troubleshooting

Introduction into lsusb

The lsusb is a small utility for Linux to show what USB devices are connected to the system. When running it without any parameters, it will display what USB devices are available. With the options, a different output style can be achieved, including more verbose information about a particular device.


When lsusb is not installed by default, it can be added to the system using the relevant software package.

Package information for lsusb

Operating systemPackage nameInstallation
dnf install usbutils
Arch Linuxusbutils
pacman -S usbutils
apt install usbutils
dnf install usbutils
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxusbutils
dnf install usbutils
Rocky Linuxusbutils
dnf install usbutils
zypper install usbutils
apt install usbutils

Your Linux distribution using a different package? Share your feedback.


Available options

Long optionShort optionDescription
-s [[BUS]:][DEVICE]Show only devices from a particular bus (BUS) or with a particular device number (DEVICE)
-d vendor:[PRODUCT]Show only devices from a particular vendor (VENDOR) or with a particular product identifier (PRODUCT). The values can be found in the default output of the lsusb command.
--tree-tShow output as a tree with device visually linked to the related bus, usually the USB hub
--verbose-vVerbose output to show more details

Missing an option in this overview? Share your feedback.

Examples using lsusb

Show only USB devices connected to bus 001

lsusb -s 001:

Show only the first USB device per bus

lsusb -s 001

Show detailed information for the second device on bus 001

lsusb -s 001:002 --verbose

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the lsusb command and its purpose?

The lsusb command is a command-line tool to show connected USB devices

Which package provides the lsusb command?

The command lsusb is provided by the usbutils package.

Relevant articles using the lsusb command

The following articles include an example on how to use lsusb and might be worth further exploring.

Related and similar commands

Linux has a lot of tools and commands available and sometimes you just need that little other tool. Here is a list of commands that are similar or related to lsusb:

Related and similar commands to lsusb
dmidecodehardwareShows hardware information
lscpumemoryCPU information, virtualization features, CPU vulnerabilities
unamesystem informationShows basic system information

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