capsh command

capsh provides a capability shell wrapper to test Linux capabilities

Typical usage: diagnosing permission issues, hardening of system services, binary and process analysis

Introduction into capsh

The capsh is very helpful utility on Linux to learn more about Linux capabilities. It can display active capabilities and show information about them. The tool can also run other commands and show or define which Linux capabilities are applicable. This makes the tool useful for a wide range of tasks, such as troubleshooting, but also when you want to learn more about how processes are running. This information is useful when using containers, or securing Linux services with the systemd unit settings, such as CapabilityBoundingSet.


When capsh is not installed by default, it can be added to the system using the relevant software package.

Package information for capsh

Operating systemPackage nameInstallation
dnf install libcap
Arch Linuxlibcap
pacman -S libcap
apt install libcap2-bin
dnf install libcap
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxlibcap
dnf install libcap
Rocky Linuxlibcap
dnf install libcap
zypper install libcap-progs
apt install libcap2-bin

Your Linux distribution using a different package? Share your feedback.


Available options

--addamb=CAPABILITYAdd a capability to the set of ambient capabilities
--decode=VALUEDecode the value of a capability-related field in /proc/PID/status such as CapInh, CapPrm, CapEff, CapBnd, CapAmb
--delamb=CAPABILITYDrop a capability from the set of ambient capabilities
--explain=CAPABILITYShow a description of the selected capability
--noambDrop ambient capabilities
--printShow current capabilities, securebits, user and group information

Missing an option in this overview? Share your feedback.

Examples using capsh


Show capability bounding set, ambient capabilities set, securebits, user ID and group ID.

capsh --print

Run a command and show the related capability details, secure bits, and user and group information.

capsh --print -- -c "sudo ps"

Supportive and informational commands

Provide a description of the selected capability

capsh --explain=cap_net_bind_service

Search for a capability that contains a particular word in its name or description.

capsh --suggest=port

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the capsh command and its purpose?

The capsh command is a command-line tool that provides a capabability shell wrapper. It helps helps with testing Linux capabilities and provides several options to show information, perform analysis on binaries and processes, and diganosing permission issues.

Which package provides the capsh command?

The command capsh is provided by the libcap, libcap-progs, or libcap2-bin package.

Relevant articles using the capsh command

The following articles include an example on how to use capsh and might be worth further exploring.

Related and similar commands

Linux has a lot of tools and commands available and sometimes you just need that little other tool. Here is a list of commands that are similar or related to capsh:

Related and similar commands to capsh
captestcapabilitiesCapabilities and privilege escalation testing tool
filecapcapabilitiesDisplay of Linux capabilities set on binaries in paths
firejailsandboxingSandboxing tool for Linux
getcapcapabilitiesShow file capabilities
getpcapscapabilitiesShow process capabilities
netcapcapabilitiesDisplay available capabilities for running processes using network sockets
pscapcapabilitiesDisplay available capabilities for running processes
setcapcapabilitiesAdd or remove Linux capabilities to a file

Also 💙 the command-line or terminal? Here is a set of cheat sheets for Linux to get more done from within the shell: