Package manager
Discover to which package a file belongs to
With the right Linux software tools, it is easy to find to which package a file belongs. Or the opposite, what files are part of an installed package.
List installed packages on a Linux system
Learn how to show installed packages on Linux systems. This overview covers common package managers including those for AlmaLinux, Debian, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to download a package with apt without installing it?
Run apt with the 'download' subcommand followed by the package to retrieve the package without performing the installation steps.
How to see the dependencies of a package with apt?
Run apt with the 'show' subcommand followed by the package to see basic details about a package, including its dependencies. For a package that is not installed yet, use the 'install' subcommand to see related packages.
How to remove a package with apt?
Run apt with the 'remove' subcommand, optionally followed by 'apt purge' to remove any configuration file or directories that may be left over.
How to remove unused packages with apt?
Run apt with the autoremove subcommand to remove any package that the package manager considers to be unnecessary.
How to show all installed packages with pacman?
Run pacman using the --query option.
How to show all installed packages on Ubuntu?
Run the dpkg command with the --list option.