
Linux refers to the kernel of the operating system. Together with system administration utilities and additional programs, it defines the system. In this section covers the package manager, package building, and software security.

Articles for Software

Audit installed compilers and their packages

Compilers can be abused by attackers to perform the so-called privilege escalation attacks. Here is how to find compilers and secure your system.

How to promote your open source project

Do you run an open source project and feel that it can use more users? Even if you are not a marketing guru, these promotion steps will boost your project!

Secure Software Development: CII Best Practices

Best Practices from the OpenSSF project help creating more security open source software projects. Learn what they do and how it can help your project.

Software Patch Management for Maximum Linux Security

Linux systems have a lot of software packages, resulting in regular upgrades and updates. Proper software patch management is key and we share how to do it.

Understand and configure core dumps on Linux

When a Linux program or process gets into trouble, it typically crashes and leaves a core dump. Learn what Linux core dumps are and how to configure them.

Why remove compilers from your system?

Installed compilers might be abused by attackers in privilege escalation attacks, which is one of the reasons to remove compilers when possible.

Why we use your open source project (or not)

Here are the most common mistakes made by open source projects, and tips on how to avoid them. Get more users with the right promotion!