Linux RSS feeds

Looking to follow more Linux RSS feeds? Then this might be the overview that you are looking for. It’s work in progress and relevant RSS feeds are being collected. Is your missing? That is most likely easily fixed by sharing it.

Why this RSS list?

The web changes and so do search engines. Good up-to-date Linux blogs are sometimes hard to find. That’s a shame and also a risk, especially with AI filling up some of the space. High-quality articles and real experiences are what make the web great! That is also the reason why this initiative has started to collect and categorize Linux blogs and the related RSS feeds. Each of the blogs are reviewed and a related data is populated.

The requirements to get listed:

  • RSS feed (RSS / Atom)
  • Cover Linux or at least sometimes
  • Topics such as networking, security, and virtualization are appreciated as well


The current listing is boring and simple. The primary focus is now on adding the feeds, then slowly populating additional meta information about each entry. At a later stage checks will be added to see if a blog is still up-to-date. It not, it might be delisted. Where possible, the content creator will be contacted.

Blogs and RSS feeds

Neil's blog

Neil blogs about technology, including a lot of topics related to Linux, virtualization, and open source. A good variety of topics that will be worth keep an eye on.

www-gem words

Arch Linux, Hugo, Linux, Neovim, Vim

A blog written by a space biologist that covers Linux, Hugo, Neovim, vim, and other topics related to open source.

Frederik Himpe

Frederik Himpe is a Linux system administrator and blogs about Linux. Although he states he is not on social media, he is fortunately present on Mastodon.

Jan-Piet Mens

Ansible, DNS, Linux, MQTT

Jan-Piet Mens shares his knowledge in presentations, on social media, and in blog posts. He covers a wide range of topics, including that of Ansible, DNS (yes, it is always DNS), MQTT, Linux, open source software, and protocols.


Adam blogs about Linux and other topics such as ham radio.


educational, Linux advanced, Linux basics, Linux security, YouTube

Jay LaCroix makes Linux accessible by explaining topics from the very basics up to specifics, such as Linux security. The YouTube channel is a treasure for those wanting to learn and stay up-to-date.

Kevin Vermassen (nl)

Kevin Vermasssen blogs in Dutch about Linux, Python, security, and other related topics. His website is clean and easy to read. Well done!


A blog covering more than just Linux.


Linux, Mastodon

The blog is maintained by dsyates and covers Linux, Mastodon, and other related topics.

Linux kernel, security updates

LWN provides high-quality articles about the developments of the Linux kernel. Most of the articles are oriented to its technical audience and provide an in-depth coverage. Besides the Linux kernel, other topics include software development and security.


Linux, Python, software development

Caleb Hattingh blogs about Linux, Python, and development.

Unixbhaskar's Blog

Bhaskar is active as a system administrator for Linux and related infrastructure. His blog is filled with mainly topics around Linux and common topics that are applicable to system administration.

El blog de Hotsechu (es)

Blog in Spanish focusing on Linux and development


generic Linux, Linux news

The website of It's FOSS covers a wide range of topics with Linux and open source software. It's a great resource to learn about new software and ongoing developments within the subject area.

Linux Audit

Linux security, system administration

Linux Audit is blog with primary focus on Linux security, yet covers also more generic Linux system administration and security topics.



A blog by Shuveb Hussain about Unix-related topics