
You got 99 problems? This range of troubleshooting articles will help you reducing them. From securing your Linux systems up to standard system administration tasks.

Troubleshooting CPU usage

Articles and information about troubleshooting system performance issues with focus on CPU usage.


Articles and information about troubleshooting network performance issues and monitoring network statistics

Troubleshooting guide for Lynis

Troubleshooting Lynis. This document helps with solving most common issues experienced when running Lynis.

Tuning auditd: high-performance Linux Auditing

To achieve better performance with a auditd configuration, it needs to be tuned. See performance boosters like events exclusion, rule ordering, and more.

Linux Audit Framework 101 – Basic Rules for Configuration

The Linux audit framework is a very powerful tool to monitor files, directories, and system calls. Learn how to configure it.