Topic: Malware

Linux and rise of Ransomware

The availability of ransomware on Linux is growing. This is the story behind how things started and what we can expect to be next in the near future.

Dealing with Linux Malware, Insights by the Author of rkhunter

Malicious software plague computers for more than 40 years and most likely this threat will never stop. What should you know about it to protect yourself?

Installing ClamAV on CentOS 7 and Using Freshclam

By default a ClamAV installation on CentOS 7 is not working. In this blog post we reconfigure the required systemd and configuration files.

Using ClamAV for Linux PCI DSS requirement 5: Malware

PCI DSS requirement 5 focuses on anti-virus and malware, or malicious software. Linux systems can also be compliant by using the popular ClamAV software.

Monitoring Linux Systems for Rootkits

Learn how to protect your Linux system against malware, such as implementing security measures like file integrity monitoring and malware scanning.

Antivirus for Linux: is it really needed?

Is antivirus really needed on Linux systems? The honest answer is that it depends on your situation and what you are running. Let's have a look why.

How to deal with a compromised Linux system

Is your Linux system compromised or does it run suspicious processes? Learn how to investigate the system and create an action plan.