Learn more about Linux in this set of articles that cover system administration, Linux security, and managing applications.
How to block POST requests in nginx
Want to block all HTTP POST requests in nginx? There are multiple ways to achieve this and within this article we look at the best fit.
Why block POST requests in the first place? Some websites or resources don’t need POST requests, such as a statically generated website. It looks like POST requests also take some CPU time within nginx to process them compared with static files. This becomes visible when using the $request_time variable to customize the access log. 2024-04-02T10:14:39+00:00 404 a.b.c.d “POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 562 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.
Livepatch: Linux kernel updates without rebooting
Livepatch is a feature to do live kernel patching for Linux systems. It allows applying security updates without rebooting the system. Learn how it works!
If you run a Linux server, software patching is a task that will have to be performed on a regular basis. Although most programs can be auto-restarted with a tool like needrestart, there is one exception: the kernel. Wouldn’t it be a nice if we could update the kernel without the mandatory reboot? Here is livepatch, the feature of the Linux kernel that makes it possible. Let’s discover how it works and if you can use it on your system.
How to secure a Linux system
Looking to secure your Linux system? This security guide shows you how to perform system hardening and run technical audits to keep it in optimal condition.
Every Linux system will benefit from more security, especially if it contains sensitive data. With so many resources available on the internet, one might think that securing Linux has become easy. We know it is not. Linux system hardening takes a good amount of understanding about how the Linux kernel works. It also requires a good understanding of the operating system principles. In this guide, we will help you to get this understanding and provide you with tips and tools.
The state of Linux security in 2017
The year 2017 is closing, so it is time to review Linux security. Like last year, we look at the state of Linux security. A collection of the finest moments.
Linux security (2017 edition) The year is closing, so it is time to review Linux security. Like last year, we look at the state of Linux security. A collection of the finest moments. Did we forget something important? Let us know in the comments. This post will remain updated in the upcoming weeks. As this post may appear on HN, Reddit, Slashdot, and other high-traffic sites, this post is heavily cached.
Linux security myths
So what is true about Linux security and what isn't? In this article we look at common security myths when it comes to Linux.
Myth busting: Linux security As the author of Lynis, I have to run several Linux systems for testing Linux security defenses. And if you do something long enough, some get to see you as a Linux security expert. When that happens, you get asked questions. Surprisingly they are often related to some of the myths. Time to share a few I got asked. If you received this link from me directly, then most likely you asked one :)
The state of Linux security
This is the state of Linux security. With the most important updates around Linux and open source security. From conferences to self-protection.
Linux security and its developments In the last 10 years, GNU/Linux achieved something some foreseen as almost impossible: powering both the smallest and biggest devices in the world and everything in between. Only the desktop is not a conquered terrain yet. The last years had a great impact on the world. Both from a real-life perspective, as digitally. Some people found their personal details leaked on the internet, others found their software being backdoored.
Understanding memory information on Linux systems
Linux memory management is an extensive subject. This guide helps you understanding the how to analyze it and obtain available memory information.
Every operating system needs memory to store program code segments and data. This is also true for Linux systems. The problem: there is a lot of information available regarding memory usage and its behavior. Let’s discover how Linux manages its memory and how we can gather memory information. After reading this guide, you will be able to: Show the total amount of memory Display all memory details Understand the details listed in /proc/meminfo Use tools like dmesg, dmidecode, free, and vmstat Linux memory information Random access memory When we talk about memory in this article, we usually mean random access memory (RAM).
How to see the version of Oracle Linux
Oracle Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At first, it may be confusing to determine what specific Oracle version of the operating system is used.
Determine Oracle Linux version Oracle Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At first, it may be confusing to determine what specific operating system is running. This is because both have the /etc/redhat-release file. If that file exists, use the cat command to display the contents. Next step is to determine if there is a /etc/oracle-release file as well. If so, then you can be sure that Oracle Linux is running.
Show vulnerable packages on Arch Linux with arch-audit
With the right tool, arch-audit in this case, we can find any vulnerable package that is installed on a Arch Linux system. Learn how it works.
Vulnerabilities happen and are usually fairly quickly fixed. This is also true for Arch Linux. This rolling distribution can be considered to be always up-to-date, as it uses the latest versions of software packages from the upstream. When there is an update, it doesn’t take long that it becomes available and can be installed with package manager pacman. One problem that remained was the inability to quickly test if you have any vulnerable packages.
Linux security guide: the extended version
Feeling overwhelmed with the options available to secure your Linux system? With this guide, we walk step-by-step through the option, tools, and resources.
Feeling overwhelmed with the resources available to secure your Linux system? This security guide will provide you the points where to start. With this Linux security guide, we walk step-by-step through the options, tools, and resources. After reading this article, you will be able to make educated decisions about what Linux security defenses to implement for your systems. You will be introduced to the right tools that help you automate and test your improvements.
Difference between CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL
Difference between CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL.
The biggest open source company is nowadays Red Hat. It is known for its contributions to many open source projects, including the Linux kernel itself. Less known is that Red Hat is involved in different Linux distributions, directly or indirectly. Fedora Fedora has received many updates and individual releases over the years. It is a playground for new functionality. Often new technology is found here. It can be compared with other distributions like Arch Linux, except that it is slightly less aggressive in deploying the latest software components for everything.
The Most Influential Linux Security Blogs
Linux security is hot, yet blogs about Linux security are rare. Besides our own blog, here are the most influential bloggers and developers we know.
The best Linux security blogs or those that talk about security
How Linux Security Fails to be Simple
Linux Security Should be Simple, Right? Why that is not a reality, and we might never achieve it is discussed in this article.
Why that is not a reality, and we might never achieve it. Linux gained great popularity over the last 10 years, powering our servers and smartphones. With all the efforts put in creating more secure software, it seems installing security updates will remain a weekly task. Will this ever change? Security is Hard Properly securing a system means different things for different people. So let’s take the assumption that every system has a particular goal, secondly that it should be properly secured.
Increase kernel integrity with disabled Linux kernel modules loading
The Linux kernel can be configured to disallow loading new kernel modules. Learn how to configure this.
Disable loading kernel module on Linux systems The Linux kernel can be configured to disallow loading new kernel modules. This feature is especially useful for high secure systems, or if you care about securing your system to the fullest. In this article, we will have a look at the configuration of this option. At the same time allowing legitimate kernel modules to be loaded. Disable kernel modules Newer kernel modules have a sysctl variable named kernel.
Password Security with Linux /etc/shadow file
Learn the structure of the /etc/shadow file and what the fields mean. After reading, the file should be less cryptic than it was before.
Linux systems use a password file to store accounts, commonly available as /etc/passwd. For additional safety measures, a shadow copy of this file is used which includes the passwords of your users. Or actually hashed password, for maximum security. An example of a password entry in /etc/shadow may look like this: user1:$6$6Y/fI1nx$zQJj6AH9asTNfhxV7NoVgxByJyE.rVKK6tKXiOGNCfWBsrTGY7wtC6Cep6co9eVNkRFrpK6koXs1NU3AZQF8v/:16092:0:99999:7::: For proper display, let’s split this up in several fields: user1 $6$6Y/fI1nx$zQJj6AH9asTNfhxV7NoVgxByJyE.rVKK6tK 16092 0 99999 7 empty empty Field explanations Time to have a look what all these strings mean:
An Introduction Into Linux Security Modules
Security frameworks like SELinux, AppArmor, and SMACK, provide protection to Linux. Learn about these Linux security modules (LSM).
Background of Linux security modules Like normal kernel modules, security modules extend the basic functionality of the Linux kernel. The need for a modular structure was proposed when SELinux was being introduced. There was a little discussion to use modules or not, as SELinux was the only one being available. Some people proposed apply it as a kernel patch, but in the end Linux creator Torvalds, decided to make this type of functionality modular.
Monitoring Linux File access, Changes and Data Modifications
Linux has several methods available to protect your valuable data. With the right tool we can audit file access, including changes.
Linux has several solutions to monitor what happens with your data. From changing contents to who accessed particular information, and at what time. For our auditing toolkit Lynis, we researched and tested several solutions over the last few years. In this article we have a look at these solutions to monitor file access, changes and modifications to the data and beyond. What is Data? Data is a collection of bits, ordered in such a way it gives meaning to humans.
How to check if your Arch Linux system needs a reboot
Want to check if a reboot of the system is needed on Arch Linux? Here is how that can be done including the relevant commands.
By default Arch will install the kernel in /boot with the name vmlinuz-linux. To determine if the system is running the latest kernel, we can compare the running kernel and the one on disk. Running kernel One way to determine the running kernel is with the uname command. By default installed and with the -r parameter it will provide the kernel release version. # uname -r 3.17.4-1-ARCH Kernel on disk Checking the latest kernel on disk is almost as easy.
Linux capabilities 101
Introduction guide and tutorial about the inner workings of Linux capabilities and how these capabilities are applied when running Linux processes.
Security of Linux systems and applications can be greatly improved by using hardening measures. One of these measures is called Linux capabilities. Capabilities are supported by the kernel for some while now. Using capabilities we can strengthen applications and containers. Unfortunately, this powerful tool is still underutilized. Time to change that! This article helps to understand and apply them. What are Linux capabilities? Normally the root user (or any ID with UID of 0) gets a special treatment when running processes.
Check for a required reboot on Debian and Ubuntu systems
Debian based systems, like Ubuntu, need sometimes a reboot as well. We have a look on determining if a required reboot is needed and due to what packages.
Administrators of Debian-based systems know they have to reboot their systems, just like any other Linux distribution. However, why is the reboot needed? Could we monitor for which systems need an actual reboot? Required restart required? This Ubuntu system needs a restart Required reboot Software can contain issues, which we call bugs. Most bugs are just annoying if you encounter them and can be fixed by upgrading to a newer version of the software.
Security Program: Implementing Linux Security
We have a look at implementing Linux security in IT environments and the related success criteria. Let's plan for success and get those measures implemented!
Information security is possibly one of the hardest subjects in IT. Doing too less and you risk of security breaches. Doing too much will restrict the core businesses of your organization. With a proper security program, implementing Linux security can be greatly simplified. By having a structured approach, the strength of the defenses will increase, while risks decrease. In this article, we have a look at how to properly prepare security projects and changes.
Linux Security for DevOps
With security getting more and more attention, we focus on Linux security for DevOps. Also DevOps will need hardening, auditing and dealing with compliance.
During the last years the role of DevOps evolved. This person could be described as the hybrid: a system administrator with development skills, or the developer which is also infrastructure savvy. With Linux and so many available tooling, it is becoming easier for people to learn both development and managing infrastructures. We are especially interested in Linux security for DevOps and what they can apply. Automation is key Repeating work is not only boring, but also a waste of time.
Using File ACLs on Linux for Additional Security
Access control lists (file ACLs) can increase security due to its granular structure. In this article we have a look at file ACLs and the use of getfacl
File ACLs can increase security due to the more granular permission structure. Still the use of ACLs is often not known to system administrators, resulting in directories and files having inappropriate file permissions. When to use (example) A directory could be configured with very tight permissions, including a proper owner and group. Normally the “Other” (everyone) group would have to be used to open up the file for people outside the owner group.
Audit SuSE with zypper: vulnerable packages
Stay up-to-date with security patching is part of a decent security management process. This article looks into vulnerable packages on OpenSuSE.
Proper software management is an important part in keeping your system secured. Acting on time is important, especially when network services have discovered security vulnerabilities. Vulnerable packages Usually packages with known security vulnerabilities, get priority and updates are soon available. The risk in installing these packages is fairly low, as they don’t introduce new features. Instead, they fix the related security hole, which sometimes is nothing more than 1 single character!
Linux audit: Log files in /var/log/audit
This article describes the purpose of the audit.log file in /var/log/audit and the relationship with the Linux audit framework.
By default the Linux audit framework logs all data in the /var/log/audit directory. Usually the related file is named audit.log and contains audit related information such as events. /var/log/audit/audit.log This file is the default log file for the Linux audit daemon. It has all related audit events and is configured using the configuration file of auditd (auditd.conf). # cat /etc/audit/auditd.conf log_file = /var/log/audit/audit.log Usually there is no reason to alter this location, unless a different storage location is preferred.
5 Tips to protect the Root account
The root account is a special account for Unix based systems. Protecting it with the right measures, secures the system and decreases system compromises.
Like systems running Windows have an account named Administrator, Unix systems have their equal named “root”. This user with user id zero (0), have unlimited access to the system. Most applications implementing user access controls, apply a “backdoor” to allow this root user always access. This applies to access data, killing processes, starting kernel modules and more. Tips to protect the root user Since the root user has unlimited access to the system, it make sense to protect this account carefully.
Hardening Guides and Tools for Red Hat Linux (RHEL)
Overview of tools and hardening guides to implement system hardening for Red Hat Linux. Also applies Fedora, CentOS and Scientific Linux systems.
System hardening is an important part in securing computer networks. Each system should get the appropriate security measures to provide a minimum level of trust. In this post we have a look at some of the options when securing a Red Hat based system. This information applies to Red Hat Linux (RHEL), Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux and others. Red Hat Red Hat itself has a hardening guide for RHEL 4 and is freely available.
Auditing Linux processes: The Deep Dive!
In-depth article about auditing Linux processes. Determination of running processes, memory and on-disk structure and the proper tools for analyzing them.
From the initial start of the Linux operating system, the first processes are already born. In this article we have a look on dealing with processes. In particular we look at how to do process auditing. Whenever you are an auditor, system administrator or just a Linux enthusiast, you can’t ignore processes and should know how to deal with them. Process listing For most people working on Linux systems, it might be obvious to display running processes with ps.
Become a Linux Auditor: What to know?
Tips for people who would like to perform audits on Linux and become a Linux auditor in particular. Including hints regarding certifications and tools.
Now open source software and platforms are very common, the need for knowledge in this area is increasing. Becoming a technical auditor with specialized knowledge about Linux, might be a clever move. Technical When specializing in Linux, the auditing area is already more technically oriented, instead of the processes. A true Linux auditor knows more than the basics of Linux. In-depth knowledge is required, like what file systems are common, how permissions are arranged, popular applications are common (at the presentation layer, middleware, backend).
Auditing Linux: what to audit?
When auditing a Linux system, it might be hard to determine what to audit actually. This article will provide some guidance and tips.
In this article we answer the big question on Linux systems “what to audit?”. Where do you start and what is useful to audit? We apply our three C’s in this article to determine what we should look for when auditing a Linux system. Current state What is the current state of the system and how does it compare to previous time? Ideal situation: compare current state of the system with a predefined baseline or previous scan
Become a Linux auditor: tips to start with auditing the Linux platform
Guide to become a Linux auditor in just a matter of minutes. Focus on how to determine running processes, installed software or possible vulnerabilities.
This guide helps people new to the Linux platform to get a grasp on how the system works. Whenever you are an IT auditor, or simply want to know more about the basics, this guide helps you in determining where to start an audit. Processes Each operating system consists of smaller running processes. In case of Linux this is true as well and can be displayed with the ps tool. Without parameters it will already show some processes, but the list is not complete.
Linux Audit Framework: using aureport
Guide regarding the aureport utility, including some aureport examples. Aureport helps with audit reports and is part of the Linux audit framework.
The Linux audit framework logs events, as specified by the configured watches. To extract particular events we can use the ausearch or aureport tools. The latter is the one we will focus on in this article, to get the most out of the tool. Aureport The aureport utility can be executed without any parameters. It will then extract all audit events available from the log. Since the audit log can be very big, it might be better to use the -start parameter, together with a time interval (e.
Linux kernel security and how to improve it
Every system is as strong as its weakest link, especially the system kernel. This article explains Linux kernel security, what we can do and how to do so.
Every system is as strong as its weakest link. In the case of an operating system like Linux, one weakness in the kernel could result in a security breach. This article covers the Linux kernel features and how they work. Kernel features Live kernel patching As the kernel is similar to other software, it receives updates to improve it. Now and then a security weakness is discovered in one of the subsystems of the Linux kernel.
Conducting a Linux Server Security Audit
Performing a Linux server security audit can be a time consuming process. In this article the most important parts are explained including automation.
Auditing a system can be a time-consuming job, which is no different when conducting a Linux server security audit. Within this article, we give some highlights regarding the audit and tips to automate them by using Lynis. The business goal Before auditing any system, determine the business goal of the system. How critical is this system for doing business? What if the system goes down? Usually each system has a clear role or multiple roles, like being a web server.
Open source vulnerability scanner for Linux systems – Lynis
Within this article we discuss the possibilities of using an open source vulnerability scanner for Linux based systems.
There are several open source vulnerability scanners for Linux, like OpenVAS. While tools like these are powerful as well, we will have a look at Lynis, our auditing tool to detect vulnerabilities of Linux and Unix systems. Why is it different than others and how can it help you in securing your systems? Vulnerabilities Every piece of software will have sooner or later a vulnerability, a minor or major weakness which can be abused by evildoers.
CAATTs for Linux: Lynis
Article about a tool within CAATTs for Linux: Lynis. Helping auditors with computer-assisted audit tools and techniques, with focus on Linux and Unix scans.
Within the field of the audit profession the usage of CAAT (Computer-assisted audit techniques) or CAATTs (computer-assisted audit tools and techniques) is growing. Lynis is filling this gap for Linux and Unix based systems. It’s a well-known and stable tool in this area and improves the audit process by automation. Only a few items could then be checked manually. This saves time, makes the audit more predictable and increases the quality of the overall audit.
Antivirus for Linux: is it really needed?
Is antivirus needed on Linux systems? The answer: it depends on your situation. Let's have a look why.
The question regarding the need for antivirus for Linux is after years still relevant. It is asked at forums and shows up regularly at Quora. As the original author of rkhunter, a malware scanner for Linux and Unix systems, I analyzed many malicious software components. You might be wondering that if there is malware, there is also a need for a scanner, right? It is actually not that easy to answer.